The Rainbow Fish - Wikipedia
The Rainbow Fish is a children's picture book drawn and written by Swiss author and illustrator, Marcus Pfister, and translated into English by J. Alison James. The book is best known for the distinctive shiny foil scales of the Rainbow Fish.
The Rainbow Fish
Jan 27, 1999 · The first book in the New York Times bestselling Rainbow Fish series. The rainbow fish with its iridescent scales is the most beautiful fish in the whole ocean. But since he is also vain and proud, he becomes more and more lonely over time.
[Special Effects] The Rainbow Fish | Read Aloud Books for Children
Title: The Rainbow Fish Author & Illustrator: Marcus Pfister, J. Alison James ___________________________________________________ Buy the book here: …
The Rainbow Fish: Pfister, Marcus: 9781558585362: Amazon.com: …
Jan 27, 1999 · Discover the world of the Rainbow Fish! A waterproof bath book for tub time, beach time, anytime! The hologram-hued hero of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister will now glitter and shimmer in even younger hands, in a new board book edition. Also available in Spanish as El pez arco iris.
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The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister - Goodreads
Jan 1, 1992 · The Rainbow Fish is a story about a spectacular fish with amazing scales. Soon, other - boring fish - come and request a scale from the fish who turns them all down. The boring fish leave, causing the Rainbow Fish to be lonely. The Rainbow fish goes on a journey to discover why the other fish don't like him.
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, Hardcover - Barnes & Noble
Jan 27, 1999 · The beautiful scales of the rainbow fish are sure to capture children’s attention. But be warned! Beauty does not always equate to friendliness. Children will learn the importance of friendship and generosity in this modern classic.
'Rainbow Fish' brings color to Geyer stage | News | dailycourier.com
1 day ago · Local kids will bring some fun and color to the Geyer Performing Arts Center stage when “The Rainbow Fish Musical” opens Friday. The musical, based on the classic children’s book by Marcus Pfister, tells of the beautiful and colorful Rainbow Fish and his journey to happiness through spreading joy to others.
The Rainbow Fish - Teaching Children Philosophy - The Prindle …
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister is a book about a unique fish with shimmering scales. Other fish admire him and request some of his scales because they want to share in his beauty. At first reluctant, Rainbow Fish eventually relents and finds he enjoys sharing his scales. The book offers a number of philosophical topics for discussion.
The Rainbow Fish - By Marcus Pfister (hardcover) - Target
Jan 27, 1999 · The first book in the New York Times bestselling Rainbow Fish series. The rainbow fish with its iridescent scales is the most beautiful fish in the whole ocean. But since he is also vain and proud, he becomes more and more lonely over time. Then he realizes that you can't win friends through beauty.
The Rainbow Fish
The Rainbow Fish is such a story, a classic that embodies the simple, yet universal message: sharing makes us happy. Rainbow Fish is the most beautiful fish in the ocean, his scales shimmering the colors of a rainbow.