articles - 'by the end of' or 'by end of' - English Language & Usage ...
I have looked 'end' up in the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English, but it gives only 'by the end of the year" without further comments. I ask because I have a feeling that 'by the end' is used …
What is the difference between 'end up' and 'end in'?
Apr 6, 2023 · Is that "end in" and "end up" don't fit in the grammar the same way. I guess maybe one way of describing the difference could be: X ends in Y is used when X describes things …
"end to end" vs "end-to-end" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Jun 15, 2020 · "end-to-end" is an adjective. Whenever you are describing a noun with this term, it is an adjective. Usage example: Engineers doing end-to-end development. Our company …
"End with" vs. "end in" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
end with [something] end [something] with [something] Notice that end in has a specific usage "the meeting ends in disaster" to specify the result, while "the meeting ends with disaster" …
What differences are between "at the end" and "on the end"?
Mar 14, 2018 · I am familiar with " at the end" and " in the end" constructions, but I have found in "English Grammar in Use" book, the following sentences that contain "on the end": Question …
"To this end" or "To that end" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Feb 13, 2015 · To this end means In order to achieve this goal. Whether you say in order to achieve this goal or in order to achieve that goal makes very little difference, if any. If your …
What is the meaning of the phrase "to this end"?
Oct 10, 2010 · Here is the entire sentence: To this end, we create two properties files with the correct root bundle name and the correct locale endings, one for English and one for Spanish. …
What does "It is a means to an end, not an end in itself" mean?
An "end" or "end in itself" is the end result, the ultimate goal, the final conclusion. A "means to an end", therefore, is a way of getting to a given goal. So for example, if I want to lose ten …
grammar - At, by, in the end of this week - English Language
Aug 2, 2015 · By the end of the week means you will have completed it by then. At the end of the week means you intend to start reading it then. The problem with the grammaticality is the use …
Are the nouns "End" and "Ending" interchangeable?
Jun 20, 2014 · The Free Dictionary says that Ending is "a conclusion or termination, a concluding part; a finale: a happy ending.", among others. And for "End" it says "either extremity of …