Thay - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Thay was a mysterious and terribly powerful magocratic nation in east Faerûn, [8] that was long-governed by the Zulkirs of the Red Wizards. During the late 15 th century DR, it was ruled by the necromancer lich Szass Tam, along with the Council of Zulkirs, who were supported by a near-endless chain of bureaucrats and local tharchions.
Red Wizards of Thay | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
The Red Wizards of Thay, colloquially known as the Red Magic Cult in the Eastern Heartlands, were the notorious and nefarious magocratic ruling class of the inhospitable but well-inhabited country of Thay. [8] .
Thayan knight - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Thayan knights were the protectors of Thay's famed Red Wizards, and leaders within Thay's armies. They were unfailingly loyal, notably knowledgeable in the ways of magic (even if they did not practice it), and extremely skilled in martial warfare.[1][2] These warriors acted as …
Who Are the Red Wizards of Thay and How Can You Use Them in …
Apr 10, 2023 · Thay, the ever-present bogeyman of Faerûn, is a violent empire whose culture reveres and embraces undeath. You might recognize their infamous Red Wizards, Thay's premiere sect of magic practitioners, from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Thanks to these evil mages, zombies roam Thayan streets as laborers, and ghouls serve as infantry.
Thay - Realms Helps
Thay is a naturally warm, dry land whose lofty elevation prevents the moisture laden winds from the Sea of Fallen Stars from bringing much precipitation to the interior.
Thayan - Search - D&D Beyond
Thayan agent working for Szass Tam, the most powerful lich in Thay. Danae was planted in Icewind Dale years ago to watch for enemies of Szass Tam who might seek refuge in Ten-Towns.
Thayan Character Name List, Practices, & Generator
Use this list of Thayan names for characters of all genders, with some names drawn from Abyssal, Infernal, and other otherworldly tongues, available in Google Sheets!
Thayan Enclaves : r/RedWizardsofThay - Reddit
Jan 21, 2023 · First created in the year 1344 DR by the Red Wizard, Samas Kul, in the small Thayan Quarter in the city-state of Procampur in the Vast, Thayan enclaves have become a cornerstone of Thay's merchantile expansion in Faerûn.
People of Thay - Realms Helps
Thay is a land of divisions, many of which determine a person's place in society and her access to power. While the vast majority of Thayans are human, there is a substantial humanoid population as well. Most of the non-humans are either slaves or warriors in the various armed forces of the Red Wizards, but some have earned their emancipation.
Thay: Land of the Red Wizards | EdGreenwood.net
Apr 22, 2022 · Known to the wider Forgotten Realms® as a sinister land of Red Wizards, slavers, and marching undead armies, Thay is the distant—or uncomfortably close—menace that “may become our doom if Szass Tam turns his attention in our direction.” And Thay is that, but it …