Thalassoma hardwicke, Sixbar wrasse : fisheries, aquarium
Occurs in shallow lagoon and seaward reefs, slopes and along drop-offs to moderate depths. Occurs in small, loose groups (Ref. 48636). Feeds on benthic and planktonic crustaceans, small fishes, and foraminiferans. Oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 205). Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene, 1990.
六间龙 (Thalassoma hardwicke)-海友网CMF
Oct 22, 2021 · 成鱼身体为蜡蓝色,有六条深色垂直条纹,面部数条像彩笔画上的很特别的颜色。 在350升以上水族箱饲养,与个头大一些,性情凶猛些的鱼混养,提供足够石头供其躲藏。 有领地意识,会攻击新入缸的鱼,所以应该最后入缸。 如果缸超过600升,可以加个同伴。 吃螳螂虾及多脚虫。 不会吃珊瑚或活的植物。 在野外的食物包括鱼、甲壳类、可运动的无脊椎动物及虫类。 在水族箱中的食物包括各种饲料虾、海虾、冷冻食物及薄片食物。
Sixbar wrasse - Wikipedia
The sixbar wrasse or six-banded wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke) is a species of wrasse in the family Labridae, native to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. It is an inhabitant of reef environments at depths from the surface down to 15 m (50 ft).
哈氏锦鱼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Sep 7, 2024 · Thalassoma schwanefeldi Bleeker, 1853 哈氏锦鱼 又称 哈氏叶鲷 、 鞍斑锦鱼 ,俗名四齿、砾仔、六带龙、柳冷仔、青汕冷、青铜管,为 辐鳍鱼纲 鲈形目 隆头鱼亚目 隆头鱼科 的其中一 种 。
鞍斑锦鱼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鞍斑锦鱼(学名:[Thalassoma hardwicki] 错误:{{Lang}}:文本有斜体标记(帮助) )为隆头鱼科 锦鱼属的鱼类,俗名哈氏锦鱼。 分布于印度洋非洲东岸至太平洋中部、北至日本、台湾岛以及西沙群岛、南沙群岛等。 该物种的模式产地在斯里兰卡。 [1]
Thalassoma hardwicke (Bennett, 1830) | 臺灣魚類資料庫
主要棲息於潮間帶到15公尺深的淺潮池、岩礁及珊瑚區,出沒的地方通常都混雜著珊瑚礁、碎石及沙。 小魚與成魚不相同,害羞而好奇的小魚,盤旋在珊瑚叢上緣,一遇危險立刻鑽入珊瑚的枝椏條裡;豪爽的成魚四處游走,沒有特殊的領域性。 它們主要以底棲性或浮游性的甲殼類和小魚為食,偶而也吃些有孔蟲。 為常見的隆頭魚,臺灣南部的礁區常見它悠游其中。 中小型之隆頭魚,體色鮮豔,是適合水族觀賞的魚類,可食用,但個體小,較無食用價值。
WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Thalassoma …
Thalassoma hardwicke (Bennett, 1830). Accessed at: https://www.marinespecies.org/charms/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=212217 on 2025-03-16
Sixbar Wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke (Bennett 1829) - Fishes of …
A pale greenish or bluish-green wrasse with six elongated wedge-shaped black bars that become progressively shorter towards the tail, and broad pink bands radiating from the eye. Males (terminal phase) are brighter in colour than females (initials phase).
Sixbar wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke) – Complete Care Guide
The Sixbar Wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke, is a vibrant and active fish that adds both color and dynamism to a saltwater aquarium. Known for its striking pattern of six horizontal bars on a greenish-blue body, it is a popular choice among aquarists.
Sixbar wrasse • Thalassoma hardwicke • Fish sheet - Fishipedia
Nov 12, 2023 · Thalassoma hardwicke, commonly known as sixbar wrasse, is a salt water fish. This sheet is currently being prepared. The texts currently proposed come from our data model or are being drafted.