Why is tourism known as tertiary industry? - Answers
They are: -1. Tour operators and travel agents.2. Accommodation sector (hotel and catering) and3. Passenger accommodation.Also, the following points justify the nature of tourism as a …
Is the forest industry a secondary industry or a tertiary ... - Answers
Sep 24, 2022 · What is the percentage of primary secondary and tertiary industry in Australia? 14% primary, 47% secondary, 28% tertiary and 11% Quatary. Is a cougar a primary tertiary or …
What are primary secondary and tertiary industries? - Answers
Sep 11, 2023 · Tertiary industries is the term for the field of industries that provide transportation or finance rather than manufacturing or extracting raw materials (for example, Ikea or Ford, car …
What are the tertiary industry in Mexico? - Answers
Mexicans, as most Americans, work on many different fields and industries. Most of the labor force in Mexico is employed in the tertiary or services and commerce sector (58%). This …
Is the construction industry a secondary industry or a tertiary ...
Apr 28, 2022 · What is the percentage of primary secondary and tertiary industry in north Italy? the percentage of primary industry is 4%, secondary is 44% and tertiary is 52% which makes …
Which business sector does coca-cola fit into primary ... - Answers
Sep 16, 2023 · What is the percentage of primary secondary and tertiary industry in Australia? 14% primary, 47% secondary, 28% tertiary and 11% Quatary.
What industry does construction fall under tertiary or secondary ...
Sep 26, 2023 · Technically cooking falls under the secondary sector activities; primary sector would be farming and gathering (production), secondary secondary would be cooking …
Explain the difference between the primary secondary and tertiary ...
Oct 10, 2023 · All of these three types of industries are regarded with inputs, processes, and outputsPrimary is an industry in which workers are involved to extract minerals from the earth, …
Is film-making secondary or tertiary industry? - Answers
The three types are Primary industry, Secondary Industry and Tertiary Industry. What is the percentage of primary secondary and tertiary industry in Malawi? 123345.
Is McDonald's primary seconday or tertiary? - Answers
Oct 6, 2023 · primary-81% secondary-3% tertiary-16% (includes quaternary industry which is 6% of the tertiary 16% India population of workforce in primary secondary and tertiary sector? …