Target Lock nerf and what it means for rolls. : r ... - Reddit
Jul 7, 2023 · To begin, Target Lock is likely a dead trait for most guns in most situations post-nerf. Outside of SMGs (and to a lesser extent 450 ARs), TL was mostly just to either forgive a …
word usage - Is the phrase 'lock a target on sth' correct ...
Mar 5, 2020 · I've always thought they would use an expression 'I locked on/onto the target'. However, recently, I encountered a sentence: 'His heart isn't something anyone can just lock …
ELI5: What does target locked mean? Is there any way ... - Reddit
Aug 5, 2022 · Target Lock is for heat seeking or radar guide missiles. Pilot could release some flares to deflect the heat signature, missile will follow the flares instead of aircraft, but it doesn’t …
military - How does a Missile Lock Work? - Aviation Stack ...
Apr 24, 2018 · It basically flies towards an intercept point ahead of the target aircraft. When the target aircraft direction changes, so does this predicted intercept point, and the missile …
Target Lock - Destiny 2 Basic Trait - light.gg
Dec 6, 2022 · Full stats and details for Target Lock, a Trait in Destiny 2.
Detailed Breakdown of Cascade Point and Target Lock
Target Lock. Clearly Cascade Point wasn’t complicated enough so now we must move onto Target Lock! Target Lock is a stacking damage increase that also uses a hit counter system, …
Lock on - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To aim something at a moving target so as to follow it automatically: The pilot locked the heat-seeking missile on its target. 2. To stare at someone or something intently; fix one's gaze on …