Target Lock nerf and what it means for rolls. : r ... - Reddit
Jul 7, 2023 · Lodbroc with target lock was my goto before the nerf. After, 7th Seraph still feels really consistent. Ttk numbers (credit to d2 foundry): Target Lock T10 to T6 - 0.8s @5hs 2body T5 and Under - 0.67s @6hs 0body No Target Lock T10 to T8 - 0.8s @6hs 1body T7 to T3 - 0.8s @5hs 2body T2 and Under - 0.67s @6hs 0body
Detailed Breakdown of Cascade Point and Target Lock
Target Lock Clearly Cascade Point wasn’t complicated enough so now we must move onto Target Lock! Edit 13/01/2022: I have rewritten parts of this section to use new more granular and accurate values, while also incorporating feedback I received from the original post where using base magazine remaining as a metric led to confusion about what ...
Target Lock : r/DestinyTheGame - Reddit
Jan 5, 2024 · I'd take Hatchling, Demolitionist or Kill Clip over Target Lock for PvE, in that order. As far as the Target Lock perk in general goes for PvE, there are almost always better options for any gun that rolls it. The one major exception would be the Fourth Time's the Charm/Target Lock roll of the Retrofit Escapade light machine gun.
Target lock : r/DestinyTheGame - Reddit
Dec 9, 2022 · Retrofit Escapade, the new LMG, can also roll with 4TTC/Target Lock. Target Lock seems to get 1 stack per every 4 shots that hit during uninterrupted sustained fire, so faster-firing weapons get to maximum damage output real quickly.
Is target lock still necessary on immortal? : r/CrucibleGuidebook
Jan 13, 2024 · Target Lock adds ~15 damage after 10 shots if you land all your shots and they are all headshots. Crits deal 7 more damage than body shots. If you land all body shots, TL adds ~21-24 damage. Alternatively, you could also add some weapon surges and radiant to get a spicy 0.58 second TTK with Tap The Trigger on 7 Res and lower.
Target Lock, The Main Issue In Elden Ring : r/Eldenring - Reddit
I immediately disabled auto lock-on and auto target as soon I was in the cave tutorial. After thousends of hrs playing souls game I felt the camera angle is weird even without having an enemy around. It also makes facestabs possible because you walk and sprint exactly how you want without beeing "directed" by camera and target lock.
Rufus’s Fury - Frenzy or Target Lock? : r/destiny2 - Reddit
Mar 24, 2023 · Ok thank you. With my current mag at 64 rounds, it looks like I could get roughly an 18% minimum damage buff with Target Lock once 8 consecutive rounds (12.5% of the mag) hit a target, but you only get a 15% damage increase with Frenzy
Enhanced Target Lock : r/DestinyTheGame - Reddit
Dec 12, 2022 · The only time I've used target lock since they nerfed the volatile interaction with the LMG was to level a crafted weapon. I'll probably never use it for dps again because there's just better options out there.
Does Target Lock really make that much of a difference?
Apr 5, 2023 · I don't think Target lock is all that especially now after it deactivates with one missed shot. It's basically one less bullet needed sometimes, maybe two with bodyshots. It can be the difference in winning or losing a gun fight, but so can for example 10 stability or 10 range or an accuracy boost.
Is target lock in PvP good any more? : r/CrucibleGuidebook - Reddit
Nov 1, 2023 · Target Lock is good for SMGs in PvP, that’s where it shines. Makes an already lethal weapon set that much more forgiving. Other than that, there’s better perk options