grammaticality - take time to do something / doing something
Jan 19, 2021 · She didn’t even take the time to say goodbye. Gngram finds no instance of "take (the) time visiting". However, you can certainly spend (some) time doing something: To "spend …
A word that means “taking your time and doing things correctly”
Mar 12, 2016 · Also, to "take their time and do a good job" does hold some ambiguity w.r.t. referring to spending intended amounts of the entity of time, or simply applying sufficient time …
sentence construction - take a long time vs take a while - English ...
All of the above are correct. You can't say "takes long time", though. When time is a mass noun, like in the first sentence, you can drop the article: "this process takes time" (or "this process …
difference - "Take the time to do something" vs. "take the time out …
Jul 7, 2020 · Using “out” signifies that one is taking time “out” of some other thing they could have been doing, e.g., they might have been busy working. Omitting “out” acknowledges only the …
Other ways to say 'take your time' / 'whenever you can' / 'no rush'?
Mar 25, 2018 · So: personally, in these kind of situation I say*you have all the time in the world TFD. When you say you have all the time in the world, you mean you have a lot of/enough …
grammar - "take too long" vs "take a long time" - English …
Aug 21, 2016 · Take a long time is an idiom, a special meaning of take referring to duration of some event. The train took a long time to pass. It's one version of the Event take Duration …
meaning - Proper usage of "take your time" - English Language
Aug 19, 2012 · Take your time. meaning; grammaticality; Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Aug 19, 2012 at 12:32 ...
vocabulary - spend time or take time - English Language Learners …
Apr 19, 2015 · The online courses really take the pressure off because you can spend your time till you understand it all. The online courses really take the pressure off because you can take …
What is the origin of "wake up and smell the roses"
Oct 15, 2012 · "Stop and Smell the Roses" was the title of a song by Mac Davis in 1974. I could have sworn that I read this as a quote from "cowboy humorist" Will Rogers back in the 1920s …
Takes or take, subject verb agreement
Jan 15, 2018 · Veronica takes a lot of time. but . Veronica may take a lot of time. Veronica shouldn't take a lot of time. Veronica needs to take a lot of time. Let Veronica take a lot of …