Home | TEACCH® Autism Program
TEACCH Tips – Now available in Spanish and German! Our TEACCH tips are designed to offer support to our families and provide practical ideas on how to assist autistic individuals.
TEACCH for Toddlers Activity Photo Library
TEACCH for Toddlers is based on the TEACCH model and uses Structured TEACCHing strategies to facilitate toddlers’ receptive and expressive communication, social communication, and play skills.
Resources - TEACCH® Autism Program
Publications by UNC TEACCH Autism Staff. TEACCH Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism: Understanding the Disorder. Parent Survival Manual. The Research Basis for Autism Intervention. Understanding Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. Families of Children with Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know.
Referral Information for Diagnostic Evaluation | TEACCH® Autism …
Individuals and families who are seeking diagnostic testing for themselves or their child from a TEACCH® Center must complete the documents below. Click on the links below to download the forms. Please download and save the fillable form to …
Research - TEACCH® Autism Program
We are following a group of 300 autistic adults in their 40’s to 60’s who were seen at TEACCH as children. We are looking at developmental trajectories across the lifespan and are also looking at the needs of autistic adults.
Regional Centers - TEACCH® Autism Program
TEACCH® Autism Program has seven regional TEACCH Centers across North Carolina. Your local TEACCH Center is based on which county your family resides in. For a list of counties served by each regional TEACCH Center, click the buttons below.
Adult Services | TEACCH® Autism Program
T-STEP – TEACCH School Transition to Employment and Postsecondary Education. T-STEP Frequently Asked Questions; T-STEP Eligibility; Employment Services. ES Triangle Region Staff; ES Triad Region Staff; Project SEARCH; Carolina Living and Learning Center
T-STEP - TEACCH School Transition to Employment and …
T-STEP – TEACCH School Transition to Employment and Postsecondary Education The T-STEP Program is an evidence-based college class to help autistic students transition to adulthood.
Referral Information for Intervention Therapy Services | TEACCH® …
Individuals and families seeking intervention/therapy services from a TEACCH® Center for themselves or their child who already have a documented diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder must complete the documents below.
Referral Information | TEACCH® Autism Program
If you have any questions regarding the referral process, intake forms, or the services offered at the Chapel Hill TEACCH Center, call 919-966-5156.