Syphilis - DermNet
Jan 9, 2020 · A non-itchy rash is present in 90% of patients with secondary syphilis; The rash might be subtle or might appear as rough, red or reddish-brown papules or plaques; The rash occurs typically on the trunk and frequently affects palms and soles; Rarely, the rash presents as a cluster of erythematous papules around a central scaly plaque ...
Syphilis images - DermNet
Syphilis images. Authoritative facts about the skin from DermNet New Zealand.
Syphilis pathology - DermNet
Differential diagnosis of syphilis pathology. Akin to the clinical presentation, the histopathologic presentations of syphilis are diverse. Eczematous, granulomatous, pustular, folliculitis-like, and acantholytic patterns have been described. Clinical correlation and correlation with serologic studies may be useful in addition to the special ...
Secondary syphilis image - DermNet
Acne Athlete's foot Cellulitis Cold sores Dermatitis/Eczema Heat rash Hives Impetigo ... Secondary syphilis.
Case: Papulosquamous rash over his trunk and chest - DermNet
A papulosquamous eruption with lesions on the palms and soles should always raise suspicion of secondary syphilis. This should initiate questioning regarding sexual contacts, and recent history of genital, oral, or perianal primary syphilis lesions (chancres).
Syphilis image - DermNet
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Syphilis can cause many signs and symptoms similar to other diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) , and thus is nicknamed ‘the great imitator’.
Blueberry muffin syndrome - DermNet
Syphilis; The TORCH complex is a medical acronym used for these serious congenital infections: Toxoplasmosis, Other infections, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus. The other infections are hepatitis B, coxsackie virus, syphilis, varicella-zoster virus and parvovirus/erythrovirus B19. Associated symptoms and signs
RASH image - DermNet
IMPORTANT NOTICE: DermNet does not provide a free online consultation service. If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice.
Skin conditions and HIV/AIDS: A Complete Overview - DermNet
Syphilis may manifest as either a painless chancre or ulcer in the genital region (primary), or a widespread rash with systemic symptoms (secondary). The presence of a chancre may present an increased ability to transmit HIV via sexual contact.
Skin problems on the trunk - DermNet
Secondary syphilis. Rash involves palms, soles; Positive syphilis serology; Trunk: dry and scaly with minimal itch. Annular erythema. Slowly enlarging rings; Scale just inside periphery; Pityriasis rosea. Distribution along Langers lines (fir tree pattern) Larger herald patch appears several days before others; Oval shaped plaques with scale ...