Susak - Wikipedia
Susak is a small island on the northern Adriatic coast of Croatia. The name Sansego comes from the Greek word Sansegus meaning oregano which grows in abundance on the island. A small …
Island Susak | Welcome to island of Susak - Otok Susak
Susak is a small island located in the north of the warm Adriatic sea (Mediterranean). It’s famous for it’s sandy beaches, beautiful folk costumes and yellow dost from which the island made. It …
Susak - Getting There, What to See and Do, Beaches - Visit Croatia
Susak is a small island off the northern Croatian coast, in the Kvarner bay. It is located just west of the island of Losinj and can be easily reached from this island or Cres, or also from Pula or …
Susak – Wikipedija
Susak (Sansego) je hrvatski jadranski otok u otočnoj skupini Cres-Lošinj. Otok je geološki različit od ostalih hrvatskih otoka, oblikovan od slojeva prapora položenog na vapnenačkoj stijeni. …
Best Islands in Croatia | Susak Island - TheAbundantTraveler
Susak Island in Croatia is 3km wide and offers plenty of beaches and historical sight-seeing. See some of the best things to do on Susak Island.
Susak Travel Guide & Ferry Info - Ferryhopper
The miniaturist island of Susak, one of Croatia’s many Adriatic jewels, is a perfect getaway destination for one-day and weekend excursions, away from the hustle and bustle. Discover …
Otok Susak: Zanimljivosti i vodič za putovanje - Putni Kofer
Mar 24, 2024 · Zanima vas što posjetiti na Susku? Otok Susak je prekrasan otok na kojem masovni turizam ne postoji. Donosimo vodič za putovanje.
Island Susak | Brief history of Susak - Otok Susak
But not all is bad - in 1936 Susak reaches it’s peek: a big vine cellar and a fish can factory is built. Life is good. Once the WW2 was over, Susak once again becomes a a part of Croatia, which …
Domus Susak
Susak is a small island on the northern Adriatic coast of Croatia. The island is mostly formed of fine sand laid on a limestone rock base. For much of the island’s history, wine making has …
Susak / Sušak (Sansego) Island, Croatia - Find Croatia
The Island of Susak is located south of Istria in the Kvarner Bay, about 7km west of Island of Losinj (check map here). It covers an area of about 4 km2 and has about 200 people …