Surtur vs Trigon - Battles - Comic Vine
Surtur has been considered a destroyer of Galaxies with his Sword... I definately think Trigon at full power could hang with Surtur. 16 years ago. Firestormnuclerman. Follow
DCEU Doomsday vs MCU Surtur - Battles - Comic Vine
Nov 7, 2017 · Unless Surtur has Kryptonite he isnt doing jack to doomsday. On the other hand Doomsday will continue to grow and would eventually end up the same size as sutur and kill him outright. 7 years ago
Surtur vs Dormammu - Battles - Comic Vine
Surtur, i'd say, is above Dormammu! unless Dormammu has it to take out Odin and start up Ragnarok, Surtur deals Dormmy a harsh defeat with his flamming sword! 16 years ago Ball Buster
DCEU Superman vs. MCU Surtur - Battles - Comic Vine
Surtur (MCU) Superman as of Justice League, Surtur following his resurrection. In-character. Victory by incap, KO or death. Standard gear. Superman has full knowledge on his opponent, Surtur has ...
MCU Surtur vs MCU Thanos - Battles - Comic Vine
May 28, 2018 · Surtur one shoted Hela and Asgard at the same time, Thanos with a full IG was caught of guard and nearly killed by one blow of Stormbreaker and would have died if he didn't snap away from thor..
Surtur vs. Galactus - Battles - Comic Vine
Jul 28, 2012 · "Surtur will most likely defeat galactus,he has every ability galactus has plus magic,he's a demon.He also destroys galaxies and defeated odin."
Surtur Respect Thread with Pics of Feats - Comic Vine
Surtur is the God of Muspelheim and King of the Fire Giants. He is a demon of gigantic proportions and one of the greatest threats to Asgard. He wields the powerful Twilight Sword that is capable ...
Surtur Vs Thanos - Battles - Comic Vine
Surtur is good, hes another Odin level opponent, but it looked like Odin couldnt put Thanos down at all...what makes you think it will keep Thanos down? He just kept tanking and tanking Gungir ...
Godzilla (KOTM) vs MCU Surtur - Battles - Comic Vine
May 30, 2019 · Godzilla. He has better on screen feats. Besides blowing Asgard, prime Surtur didn't have any impressive feats. And him blowing up Asgard may have been to some weird Asgard energy connection (and ...
Surtur Comics - Comic Vine
Surtur is the God of Muspelheim and King of the Fire Giants. He is a demon of gigantic proportions and one of the greatest threats to Asgard. He wields the powerful Twilight Sword that is capable ...