Fix common problems using the Surface app and Surface …
Access, download, or run the Surface app and the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit to help find and solve Surface problems.
Surface battery testing and estimated performance
We test Surface devices so we can provide you with an estimate of how much battery life you might expect from your Surface device. For some products, testing is also conducted according to carrier specifications.
Risolvere i problemi comuni relativi all'app Surface e al Toolkit di ...
Accedi, scarica o esegui l'app Surface e il Toolkit di diagnostica per Surface per individuare e risolvere i problemi di Surface.
Diagnostic data for Surface products - Microsoft Support
We collect diagnostic data as you use your Surface devices, Surface accessories, and Surface applications. Diagnostic data can include information about crashes, performance, and usage of Surface products.
Résoudre les problèmes courants liés à l’utilisation de l’application ...
Si votre Surface ne fonctionne pas correctement, l’application Microsoft Surface et le Kit de ressources de diagnostic Surface peuvent vous aider à trouver et à résoudre les problèmes.
Testowanie baterii urządzanie Surface i jej szacowana wydajność
Dowiedz się więcej o tym, jak firma Microsoft testuje urządzenia Surface w celu oszacowania wydajności baterii. W tym artykule zawarto informacje o parametrach testowania i szacowanej wydajności baterii urządzania Surface.
Surface 앱 및 Surface 진단 도구 키트를 사용하여 일반적인 문제 …
Surface 앱 및 Surface 진단 도구 키트를 액세스, 다운로드 또는 실행하여 Surface 문제를 찾고 해결하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
Surface Pro X features and specs - Microsoft Support
Testing conducted by Microsoft in August 2021 using preproduction software and preproduction Surface Pro X with Microsoft SQ® 1 and Surface Pro X with Microsoft SQ® 2, 256GB, 8GB RAM devices. Testing consisted of full battery discharge with a …
Troubleshoot Surface Type Cover or Keyboard - Microsoft Support
Having trouble with your Surface Pro Keyboard, Surface Pro Type Cover, Surface Go Type Cover, or Surface device keyboard? You may see that the Keyboard or Type Cover: Doesn't appear to connect and doesn't respond at all
Surface-batterijtests en geschatte prestatie - Microsoft …
Meer informatie over hoe Microsoft Surface-apparaten test om een schatting te maken van de accuprestaties. Dit artikel bevat informatie over testparameters en geschatte batterijprestaties per Surface-apparaat.