Sustain or Substain? What is the difference? - One ... - One …
Even though “substain” isn’t a word, let’s pretend for a moment that it is. The prefix “sub” indicates something underneath or below. “Stain,” denotes a mark, splotch or patch. Therefore, it would mean an undermark or a stain below. When comparing it with “sustain,” it doesn’t match up.
Sustain or Substain? What Is the Difference? - Two Minute English
Mar 28, 2024 · Sustain and Substain are two words that often cause confusion, but they have different meanings. Sustain means to support, maintain, or keep going. For example, eating healthy food sustains your body. On the other hand, Substain is actually a common mistake people make when they mean to say sustain or sometimes abstain.
Sustain vs Substain: Clear the Confusion!
The key to understanding the difference between sustain and substain lies in their very nature. Is it sustain or substain? Discover why sustain is correct, what it means, and how to use it effectively while avoiding common mistakes.
SUSTAIN Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding. to keep (a person, the mind, the spirits, etc.) from giving way, as under trial or affliction. to sustain a …
Substain: Intuitiv, vielseitig und immer einen Schritt voraus Mit Substain erhalten Sie eine der leistungsfähigsten und modernsten Softwarelösungen für digitales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement. Basierend auf über 25 Jahren Erfahrung in Klimaschutz- und Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, ermöglicht Substain ESG-Verantwortlichen, sich endlich wieder auf ...
Sustain or Substain | How to spell it? | Spelling - WordTips
Sustain or Substain are two words that are confused and usually misspelled due to their similarity. Check which one to use!
Substain vs. Sustain — Which is Correct Spelling? - Ask Difference
Mar 30, 2024 · "Substain" is an incorrect spelling; the correct form is "sustain." Sustain means to support, hold, or maintain.
Lösung für ESG-Reporting und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement - Substain
Mit Substain haben wir eine der leistungsfähigsten und flexibelsten Softwarelösungen für digitales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und ESG-Berichterstattung (Environmental, Social, Governance) am Markt entwickelt. Einfach in der Anwendung, flexible Datenstruktur, vielseitige Auswertungsmöglichkeiten.
SUSTAIN | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Economic growth cannot be sustained without a rise in inflation. This planet is unable to sustain human or plant life. The team was finally victorious after a sustained effort to succeed. She …
"Maintain" vs. "Sustain" vs. "Retain" - Difference Explained
‘Maintain’ means more to preserve the quality of something, which also often means ‘taking care of something.’ ‘Sustain’ also means holding something at a certain level, but with more emphasis on keeping it there for a long time. ‘Retain,’ on the other hand, means to ‘keep something as is.’.