Sub4Sub - The Pros and Cons | YouTube Forum - YTtalk
Dec 27, 2012 · Many are aware of what sub4sub is on YouTube but many dont fully understand its effects and the purpose of this article is to inform you of the pros and cons and the effects of participating in sub4sub. Sub4Sub is where two YouTubers subscribe to each others channels as an exchange, the main...
Sub4Sub? How This Can HURT Your YouTube Channel
Jul 8, 2017 · Should I Sub4Sub? Getting YouTube Subscribers can be hard when starting out and people always ask How To Get YouTube Subscribers. But begging for subs, buying subscribers and trading subscribers in Sub for Sub could be hurting your channel and may even get your YouTube Channel banned.
The Dangers of Sub4Sub | YouTube Forum | The #1 YouTube …
Jan 20, 2014 · A general rule of thumb for knowing if someone is doing sub4sub is if their most popular video has less than the number of subscribers they have. Now, if you have already tried sub4sub, and you want to steer away from it, here are some suggestions I recommend. First off, stop all sub4sub services or message boards.
This is why Sub-4-Sub Doesn't Work | YouTube Forum - YTtalk
Mar 7, 2018 · Most people think that if you have a high Subscriber count, then the views and watch time will follow. WRONG! This is what really happens when people sub-4-sub. If people do sub-4-sub, they rarely (if ever) will watch a video of the person they subscribed to. So to YouTube, the subscriber is...
Best sub4sub strategy | YouTube Forum | The #1 YouTube …
Feb 13, 2022 · I want to know what's the best way to do sub4sub. Hey, Riyaz here. I'm using https://sub4sub.app android app since last week. It's working and my subs are growing . I want to know is this methods are safe to use? And what Is the best way to doing sub 4 sub like : 1st way is direct open Channel...
Is sub for sub even allowed by YouTube? | YouTube Forum - YTtalk
Nov 15, 2016 · I have experimented with it just for the knowledge. When I comment "SUB4SUB" or "SUBFORSUB", "SUB ME, I SUB YOU BACK" on the youtube videos. These comments are not posted, these comments do not post at all, it give errors. When I post something else, it gets posted. But somehow people manage to sub4sub through other sides.
Is this legit or is it just for Sub4Sub? Subpals - YTtalk
Mar 19, 2015 · SubPals is a "Sub4Sub" website, which means you have to subscribe to users in order for you to receive subscribers back. The only plan that does not require you to subscribe back to anyone is the Enterprise plan, which currently costs $5 for the first month and $10 for the ongoing months.
Is subs4subs worth it | YouTube Forum | The #1 YouTube …
Jan 7, 2018 · The theory behind Sub4Sub is that small channels can get a fair amount of subscribers quickly to create the illusion that they've brought in a lot of traffic, and more people will organically subscibe due to the popularity. I looked into it too. I've honestly met 3 creators that we legitimately worth subscribing to and we've supported each other.
Is sub for sub a bad thing or a good thing??? - yttalk.com
Jul 4, 2016 · Sub4sub is a total waste of time. It won't help you grow and it'll attract a bad crowd to your channel. Someone on here thought it'd be a good idea a few months ago. She ignored everyone who told her not to and then she started complaining a few weeks later when her channel just crashed and burned due to the terrible audience retention.
Why Sub for Sub hurts your channel | YouTube Forum - YTtalk
Jun 20, 2019 · Let's link this back to the practice of sub for sub (sub4sub for short). When you just sub to a channel to get a sub back, most likely you won't actually be interested in the content this creator makes. You might love beauty channels, but you're subbing to a motor sports channel. Will you be watching those videos? Most likely not.