Guides – Body – Stix
When can I take a pregnancy test? How long can Plan B delay ovulation? What questions should I ask my gynecologist? Real Talk with Stix guides you through everything from your first UTI to finding the best birth control from you. Articles or medically reviewed by doctors.
Collections – Stix
We're Stix, a sexual and vaginal health hub that delivers the education and products you need to make confident health decisions. Our cult-favorite products include at-home test-and-treat solutions for UTIs and yeast infections, as well as sexual health essentials like pregnancy tests and morning-after pills.
Top best practices for taking pregnancy tests – Stix
Learn the best way to take pregnancy tests from the experts at Stix. Skip to content. Body Vaginas, etc. Ask a Doctor. Your Cycle. Health 411. Sex Sex-Ed. Dating & Relationships. Birth Control. Pleasure. Life Advice. Interviews. Teens. Fertility. Parenthood. In The News ...
Busting the top 10 myths about birth control pills – Stix
You may also like. Vaginal Wellness Kit. $56.00 $70.00 $70.00
Product Recommendations Quiz Update – Stix
You may also like. Vaginal Wellness Kit. $56.00 $70.00 . 401 + add | $56.00 $70.00
How Stix co-founder Jamie Norwood prioritizes her mental health
Stix co-founder Jamie Norwood tells us how she handles the stresses of being a first time founder and maintains her mental health.
Does birth control treat acne? – Stix
Generation after generation has struggled with acne (and not just teens, but adults, too) and tried every treatment they can buy, hoping for clear skin. But, topical treatments are a bandaid on the bullet hole of hormonal acne. Let's dive into one popular (and effective) treatment for this kind of acne: birth control pills, or oral contraception.
Are you at risk for developing diabetes? – Stix
You may also like. Vaginal Wellness Kit. $56.00 $70.00 $70.00
In My Words: I never want to be pregnant, but I’d love to be a parent
"Do you want to have kids?" is an increasingly complex question asked amongst Gen Z and Millennial women. It used to be a simple matter of yes or no, but that’s changed over the years with the prevalence of adoption, in vitro fertilization, and surrogacy. Born in 1999, I’m on the cusp between Gen Z and Millennials. I’v
What you need to know about osteoporosis – Stix
We’ll discuss possible causes of osteoporosis, risk factors, symptoms, and osteoporosis management techniques.