STEPABLES are problem solving creeping perennials that alleviate every day landscaping dilemmas. Create that dream pathway, control weeds around borders, or go completely green with a lawn substitution.
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
"Picking the Right Plant for the Right Spot" Which One Do I Choose? CREEPING PERENNIALS grow close to the ground and generally do not get taller than 4-6", with many only reaching 1-2" high.
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
Landscaping with STEPABLES in shady areas actually becomes fun with so many plants to choose from. Cover your dark, dreary garden floor with bright, cheery colors and lighten the mood in your garden. Using All Terrain Ground Covers in your shade garden can create a dreamy environment when choosing the right plant material.
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
Tear up that water-guzzling grass and plant STEPABLES instead! STEPABLE Creeping Perennials are low maintenance plants that take foot traffic, use less water than grass, and are soft to walk on! No-Mow Lawn Areas
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
Q: Which STEPABLES plants are drought tolerant and will take hot afternoon sun? A: Take a look at our Drought-Wise collection to see our large selection of plants that will take the hot, baking sun and still thrive in drought. Drought-Wise Ideas. Q. Which STEPABLES plants are evergreen groundcovers? A: That is very dependent on Mother Nature.
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
Combination Planting of All-Terrain Ground Covers and STEPABLES! All-Terrain Ground Cover -Small Slopes Combining STEPABLE Creeping Perennials and All-Terrain Ground Covers can be quite a rewarding experience.
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
STEPABLES* with your friends! Media Center | About Us | Meet Fran/Fran’s Blog | Grower Network Under A Foot Plant Company
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
This STEPABLES Creeping Perennial has tny tight green leaves on creeping stems form an extremely dense evergreen ground-covering perennial. Foliage turns red during winter for great winter interest. Tiny, tiny, tiny (so small you won't see them) white star flowers in summer.
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
Check Out Our STEPABLES Curbside Plantings, Bark Replacement, Pathways, Lawn Substitutions and Courtyard Photos for More Great Landscaping Solutions!
STEPABLES.COM - Plants that tolerate foot traffic
Click the icon above to see all Of Our Drought-Wise STEPABLES Want More Landscaping Ideas? Check Out Our Pathways , Lawn Substitutions , Courtyard , Bark Replacement , Retaining Walls and Around Perennials Inspirational Garden Photos!