Stasis ulcer - DermNet
Sep 13, 2016 · A stasis ulcer is the most common cause of chronic full-thickness skin loss on the lower leg. As the name implies venous blood doesn’t flow properly from the leg back towards …
Differential diagnosis of leg ulcer - DermNet
Stasis ulcer is found on the lower leg, most often above the medial or lateral malleolus; Often relatively painless, sometimes painful if infected; Brown haemosiderin staining of the lower leg …
Leg ulcers - DermNet
Stasis ulcer. Characteristics of a stasis ulcer include: Located below the knee, most often on the inner part of the ankle; Relatively painless unless infected; Associated with aching, swollen …
Leg ulcer images - DermNet
Leg ulcer images. Created 2007. > Go to the image library. Leg ulcer ...
Wound healing. Leg ulcers - DermNet
The healing edge of an ulcer may also resemble a malignancy clinically and histologically (pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia). Pressure ulcers. Pressure (decubitus) ulcers most often …
Venous insufficiency - DermNet
The corona phlebectatica paraplantaris is a clinical sign of severe venous stasis. Specifically, blue telangiectases and capillary stasis spots may be the most useful correlates with the severity of …
Livedoid vasculopathy - DermNet
Livedoid vasculopathy is a clinical diagnosis, supported by skin biopsy of a red papule or the edge of a new ulcer. Histopathology reveals hyalinisation, thickened blood vessel walls, fibrin …
Varicose veins - DermNet
C5 — Healed venous ulcer; C6 — Active venous ulcer [8]. A Duplex Doppler ultrasound assessment should be performed to determine the extent of disease and the level of truncal …
Venous eczema, gravitational eczema - DermNet
Stasis ulcer; Venous insufficiency; Varicose veins; Lipodermatosclerosis; Lipodermatosclerosis images; Other websites. Stasis Dermatitis — Medscape Reference; Venous eczema — British …
Arterial ulcer - DermNet
Sep 12, 2016 · An arterial ulcer is an ulcer due to inadequate blood supply to the affected area (ischaemia). Arterial ulcers tend to occur on the lower legs and feet, and may be acute , …