c++ - c std::vector splitting into two - Stack Overflow
Dec 15, 2012 · How to split vector according to indices given in another vector? 1. Split vector to multiple array/vector ...
Best way to split a vector into two smaller arrays?
I am trying to split a vector into two separate arrays. The current int vector contains an element per line in a text file. The text file is a list of random integers. How I'm planning to do it: My current idea is to create two regular int arrays, then iterate over the entire vector and copy n/2 elements to each of the arrays. What I would like ...
c++ - What is the efficient way to split a vector - Stack Overflow
Feb 8, 2013 · Is there any other constant time way to split a vector other than using the following. std::vector<int> v_SplitVector(start , end); This would take a complexity of O(N). In this case O(end - start). Is there a constant time operation to do …
C++ best way to split vector into n vector - Stack Overflow
Nov 17, 2016 · I would like to split path vector into n other vector of 10 line for example. So if size of my vector is 25, I want 2 other vector of 10 element and one vector of 5 element. What is the best way to do that ?
Most efficient way to split a vector into several
Aug 27, 2014 · In otherwords, you are allocating a new vector twice in your loop, and copying each element twice. By prealloating a vector above the loop you are only allocating one vector (the one that doSend recieves). To avoid copying elements twice is harder. Since you can invalidate the vector's elements, swapping and then copying is possible.
Split vector to multiple array/vector C++ - Stack Overflow
Jan 29, 2019 · I have problem to split a string vector to smaller integer vector\array. My input vector data looks like: std::vector<std::string> v(2); v[0] = "0 14 150"; v[1] = "1 2 220"; //... I know one solution, to make three arrays and to use sstream to convert data to integer. But i want to avoid making "spaghetti" code. Thank you, Peter.
c++ - Split vector into new smaller size vectors - Stack Overflow
Aug 9, 2010 · A simple way is to build a vector of vector to collect the different arrays.. To control the boundaries, one possibility is first to calculate the maximum size of these arrays, and then to manage two indices, one ibegin corresponding to the beginning of a subarray, and one iend corresponding to the end of the same subarray.
Splitting std::vector based on some criteria - Stack Overflow
Jun 17, 2016 · You can do this in place with multiple calls to std::partition: // Returns iterators to the three partition points in the range template<class ForwardIt, class Which ...
How to split a vector into n "almost equal" parts
My idea is to write a function, which takes a vector of images and an integer, and splits the vector into n sub-vector all having "almost equal" parts. So for example if I would like to split 11 into 3 groups it would be 4-4-3. Can you tell me how can I do it in C++? I mean, to write a function . split_vec( const vector<image> &images, int split )
Right way to split an std::string into a vector<string>
Mar 19, 2022 · What is the right way to split a string into a vector of strings? Delimiter is space or comma.