Maximum posted speed limits - IIHS-HLDI
Nov 1, 2019 · Footnote 5 2013 New Hampshire House Bill 146 raised the speed limit from 65 to 70 mph on the portion of I-93 from mile marker 45 to the Vermont border. ↩. Footnote 6 In Oklahoma, a speed limit of 80 mph may be posted on portions of the turnpike if approved by the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, effective November 1, 2019. The State Highway ...
In urban areas, most states maintained 55 mph speed limits before the national maximum speed limit was established. By March 1974, all states had adopted the 55 mph national maximum speed limit. Concerns about fuel availability and costs faded, however, and Congress in 1987 allowed states to increase speed limits on rural interstates to 65 mph.
Speed limit increases are tied to 37,000 deaths over 25 years - IIHS …
Apr 4, 2019 · Maximum speed limits are set by the states, and they have been rising since the mid-1990s. Proponents of raising the speed limit often argue that such increases simply bring the law in line with reality, since most drivers exceed the limit. Once the limit is raised, however, drivers go even faster.
speed limit of 12 miles per hour was enacted in Connecticut in 1901 (Miller, 1950). As improvements in motor vehicle design led to higher and higher potential speeds, most other states also established numerical speed limits. During the 1930s, the speed capability of the average new automobile rose from 55 to 84 mph (DeSilva, 1942). In
New crash tests show modest speed increases can have deadly …
Jan 28, 2021 · Today, 41 states allow 70 mph or higher speeds on some roadways, including eight states that have maximum speeds of 80 mph or more. A 2019 IIHS study found that rising speed limits have cost nearly 37,000 lives over 25 years. AAA and IIHS urge policymakers to factor in this danger from higher speeds when considering speed limit changes.
Average speeds increase after Utah raises limit to 80 mph - IIHS …
Jun 23, 2016 · A recent nationwide study by Farmer found that 33,000 fatalities could have been avoided if there had been no speed limit increases between 1993, when all states had maximum limits of 65 mph or 55 mph, and 2013 (see "Speed limit increases cause 33,000 deaths in 20 years," April 12, 2016).
IIHS eyes higher-speed test for automatic emergency braking
May 5, 2022 · Not surprisingly, since speed is a major factor in crash severity, nearly 70 percent of fatal rear-end crashes happened in areas where the speed limit was 55 mph or higher. But about half of more common nonfatal crashes occurred on roads with speed limits from 35 to 45 mph — including 36 percent in a situation covered by the IIHS evaluation.
With the right mindset, speed-limiting technology can be liberating
Aug 13, 2024 · Another speed limit change on my commute occurs just outside the beltway. Driving toward the District, the road’s limit goes from 65 mph to 55. Heading home, the reverse is true. When the speed limit dropped at this spot, the ISA device responded much faster than the stream of traffic.
Impact of speeds on drivers and vehicles — results from crash tests
Tests were conducted at three different impact speeds — 40 mph for the baseline test (Test 1) and 50 mph and 55.9 mph for the two higher speeds (Test 2 and Test 3, respectively). Three 2010 Honda CR-V EX vehicles were selected, as they represented the average age of vehicles (11.8 years in 2019) on today’s U.S. roadways and earned the top ...
Speeding behavior while using adaptive cruise control and lane ...
Drivers who traveled over the posted limit with these systems engaged also sped slightly faster than drivers controlling their vehicle manually. Finally, we found that these differences were the most pronounced on limited-access roads with a lower speed limit (55 mph).