Is the Stradavar prime overall better than the soma prime?
Apr 6, 2019 · The Stradavar Prime gets much better stats as a semi-automatic rifle over the automatic mode while the Soma Prime is always full auto. But as others said there is no reason why you should not get the Stradavar Prime as it is freely available from relics and if you have the parts get a Soma Prime aswell because of the MR and also because it is a ...
High DPS Soma Prime build for new and experienced players!
Nov 13, 2017 · So with the "Prime for Prime" rewards from Twitch and the influx of new players from the POE update I decided to create a Soma Prime build video. Hopefully, this guide will help newer players understand what mods they should farm for, and give them an idea of how their Soma should be built.
How to get Soma Prime - Players helping Players - Warframe Forums
Nov 16, 2016 · Hey there I just read that Soma Prime will be put into the prime vault on the 22th of November, so I thought to myself I should probably get it. However I am unsure what void relics to farm for it. Do they drop from random void relics or are there any in particular that drops them?
Tenora or soma prime? - General Discussion - Warframe Forums
Oct 29, 2018 · As mentioned already, Soma Prime is great for slash stacking thanks to high crit and firerate, but once you get into riven territory Tenora will be better at slash stacking aswell thanks to the massive difference between dispo 1 (Soma) and dispo 3 (Tenora).
SOMA PRIME/INCARNON - Weapons - Warframe Forums
Jan 31, 2024 · Again, Soma has no trouble with SP void cascade endurance runs, no trouble with lvl 500 thrax, no trouble with lvl 1000 thrax and I havent tried it yet but I bet the result would even be similar at lvl cap. The 'copium' seems more like projection at this point 🤷🏽♂️ Soma is great at Soma things. If you want the weapon to be more ...
Is Soma Prime Still One Of The Best Primary Weapons?
Dec 29, 2015 · Soma Prime was one of the best Automatic Weapons on the game, but definitely not one of the best weapons in the game. It's quite simple, and it all resides in the fact it's an automatic weapon. It has horrible dmg/shot ratio, making it one of the worst ammo efficient weapons in the game.
Soma Prime Crit Build Or Elemental Build? - Warframe Forums
Jan 1, 2016 · Crit build: R6 serration Hammer shot R4 heavy caliber Shred R4 vital sense Split chamber Point strike Elemental build (corrosive): Infected clip Stormbringer R6 serration R4 heavy caliber R4 vital sense Split chamber Hammer shot For other elements I just swap the 2 90% elemental mods around. So m...
Plano y partes de la soma prime - Warframe Forums
Jul 24, 2017 · La Soma Prime está ya en el Vault Prime, es decir, ya no se puede conseguir sus reliquias, y solo puedes conseguir las partes de la Soma Prime si tienes las reliquias de antes de que la metiesen en el Vault. Para conseguirla deberías jugar con gente que tenga reliquias que la contengan, o esperar a que vuelvan a sacarla del Vault :)
Soma Prime Or Boltor Prime? - Players helping Players - Warframe …
Dec 26, 2014 · Soma Prime is Hit-scan and does more DPS when modded for crits and has more firing time. Boltor Prime shoots bolts which have travel time and trajectory but slam dead enemies into live ones doing damage. Boltor Prime has more accuracy. I got my stats from Warframe Builder. Edited December 26, 2014 by ThePresident777
Should I craft and use Soma Prime? - Warframe Forums
Jun 3, 2020 · Ever since Soma Prime was unvaulted, I've seen more people use it. I wasn't a big fan of the regular Soma, so I thought that the Soma Prime wouldn't be that different. Sure, I do like to use high fire rate weapons, but I also like to use Heavy Caliber, and the Soma Prime doesn't have good accuracy. Either way, should I use it?