clauses - When do we put a comma before "so that"? - English …
Apr 18, 2019 · you to do so that he . Even if some rule tells that it is correct to NOT use a comma before "so that", I would gladly use a comma and break the rule (in this specific case), because it makes everything easier to read and understand - which is the ultimate purpose of the entire effort of communicating (writing).
punctuation - Is it necessary to put a comma before 'so' here ...
A comma is only placed before conjunctions like and and or in lists, the so-called "Oxford comma". The comma before so is a little different. With a comma, the sentence means roughly "Exercise causes blood vessels to open up -- and therefore blood flows more easily." Without a comma, it's "Exercise causes blood vessels to open up with the goal ...
Commas with "so" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jan 2, 2020 · So is a conjunction in all the above sentences. But I don't understand when to place a comma before it. So is one of FANBOYS. Thus, we have use a comma when it connects two independent clauses, which I think contradict the first sentence. Is the placement of comma before so depends on a style guide? For example, Americans prefer a comma while ...
Is there a comma needed in this sentence, and if so, why?
Mar 26, 2022 · If a coordinating conjunction is linking anything else, it doesn’t need a comma. "I met with a psychologist to see if I was on the autism spectrum" and "they told me that I was not" would both be independent sentences on their own, so they are independent clauses. The word "not" is standing in here for the phrase "not on the autism spectrum".
Comma between "so" and "if"? - English Language Learners Stack …
Oct 27, 2016 · For every person who will omit the comma, there is another person who will use the comma, and both of them will be correct. – P. E. Dant Reinstate Monica Commented Oct 27, 2016 at 19:25
punctuation - Comma after "so" when meaning therefore - English ...
Feb 21, 2023 · Comma after "so" when meaning therefore. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. Modified 1 year, 11 ...
Should there be a comma after "said" in the following case?
Jun 30, 2020 · So if you want to follow the ad-hoc customs that English writers have been following for centuries, then the reason to insert commas is not because of grammatical function at all, since the quoted example clearly has "all things are put in subjection" as the object of "says", and yet the translator inserted a comma in-between!
Why do some introductory words are always followed by a comma …
Sep 19, 2019 · However is always followed by a comma. Examples. Mostly is almost always followed by a comma. Examples. Rather is 50-50, I think. Examples. (I think this is the case with so too.) Mainly is more often written without comma. Examples. So my question is, how to tell which introductory words always require a comma and which don't?
Commas with FANBOYS (for/and/nor/but/or/yet/so)
Oct 1, 2016 · The example that uses a comma is (the comma is needed as the subject is the same for both of the clauses): They went to get pizza, but came back with ice cream. It's confusing because from the first YouTube clip the FANBOYS always need commas, but from the second clip we need the comma only when the subject is the same.
"In doing so" grammar - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Mar 30, 2017 · Technically, none of those is a correct sentence, nor would they be correct with "in doing so", because they're comma splices. You can't just ram together two sentences without a conjunction or at least a semicolon. Some of them would be correct if you just put "because" in between the two parts. –