Consensus on shooters cut plates? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Oct 8, 2012 · SAPI makes a less steep cut at the corners and covers more than either of the above options. It’s also the only real standard out there and what most PC’s are cut for. If you use shooter or swimmer cut plates in a “one size fits all” carrier like my Mayflower APC then you will have some loose material, which really hasn’t been an ...
SAPI or Shooter? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Oct 12, 2022 · Take a look at what a plate covers. Most minimalist plates will still result in a fatal shot if you cannot get to advanced care VERY soon. Always go with more coverage all things being equal. A good wrap around soft armor like BALCS or MBAV will dramatically increase survival as well. Buy good plates and the weight is not an issue going bigger.
Medium esapi vs 10x12 curved plates | Sniper's Hide Forum
Feb 17, 2017 · There is a standard sizing for SAPI and ESAPI plates, and I dont think 10"x12" is one of them. DOD soft and hard armor was standardized so the various suppliers of carriers know what they were working with. Depending on thickness of the plate, a 10x12 may not fit in a Medium SAPI carrier. 10X12 usually indicates a commercial (non-DOD) product.
SOLD - Hesco 3600 SAPI | Sniper's Hide Forum
Apr 25, 2021 · New Hesco 3600 Level III stand alone plates in small SAPI. Unused, I purchased for a class but didn't arrive in time to use. SOLD PayPal friends and family or Venmo, add 4% for goods and services.
School me on plate carriers | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 19, 2020 · Minimalist is cool if you aren't gonna wear it all day. Jpc2.0 vs crye avs the avs wins if you're wearing a decent amount of stuff. Lvl 4 plates, side plates, 3 mags, radio, ifak, some other small things. If you're only gonna wear it for a bit go more minimal.
Plate Sizing | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 31, 2020 · I'm kicking myself for being late to the game in terms of preparedness considering the political climate, but I'm looking at plate carriers and sizing. If I stick with SAPI plates sizes, would you recommend I go to a Medium or a Large? Most stuff I …
esapi plate sizing | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jan 20, 2007 · I came into a eagle plate carrier and a MTV both in size medium. it looks like a size large plate will fit in them but I'm not sure if a large plate goes in a large carrier and a medium goes in the medium???
Plate Carrier Recommendations | Sniper's Hide Forum
Apr 17, 2017 · Unfortunately, after 10 weeks of waiting for the plates to come in, I found that there is too much vertical play in the carrier to keep the top of the plate at the sternal notch (see pic for vertical play). My options were to either get new plates in ESAPI 10.125” x 13.25” dimensions, or get a new carrier designed for 10"x12" plates.
Single plate carrier, double, or interceptor armor
Jan 16, 2010 · I am currently running an interceptor armor system with two 10x12 SAPI plates. I am 6'3 and am thinking I should run larger plates. The interceptor vest is extremly heavy and it seems like a plate carrier would be better with 2 SAPI plates and no soft armor. What units wear just the front or...
Help with sapi plate sizing | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jan 6, 2022 · Tried a buddies 10x12 plates, they were thick, fit in bottom, but too wide at top, the bib part is thinner about 6” at top. Does anyone run a setup as such and knows plate size/cut? Was looking at swimmer cut plates, but cannot find measurements at …