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  1. Slax Linux
    Slax Linux - your pocket operating system
    Built on either Slackware or Debian, Slax allows you to take advantage of the vast ecosystem of each platform. With tens of thousands of prebuilt packages and applications readily availa…
    Slax based on Debian fully supports apt command, which is a powerful comman…
    Before Slax itself starts loading, you can see a big clover image in the middle of …
    Archival utilities: Gzip and gunzip: Reduces the size of the named files usi…
    Slax 32bit version Slax 64bit version; Processor: i686 or newer CPU, all Intel …
    Under normal conditions (when a standard Linux distribution is starting fr…
    Changelog - Slax Linux - your pocket operating system
  1. Slax 7.0 released - Slax Linux

  2. Sistema Operativo de solo 200mb LIVE, en memoria USB - YouTube

  3. Slax - YouTube

  4. After three years, Slax Linux is reborn with version 7.0

  5. Slax - ArchiveOS

    Dec 16, 2015 · Slax – a Slackware based Linux distribution with a modular approach and outstanding design. Slax is small, portable and fast operating system with a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including …

  6. Slax -

  7. Slax 7 0 6 is now available for download - Slax Linux

    Mar 14, 2013 · Slax 7.0.6 is now available for download. I'd like to announce the next update of Slax Live Linux version 7.0.6. The main change is new Linux kernel 3.8.2 and updated KDE to 4.10.1.

  8. Slax - Wikipedia

  9. Slax 7.0, Linux para llevar. A fondo - Genbeta

    Dec 13, 2012 · Análisis a fondo de la distribución GNU/Linux Slax 7.0 Green Horn, basada en Slackware. Construida en modo Live, permite trabajar en cualquier equipo.