SkillsUSA Florida
SkillsUSA Florida is committed to producing a generation of strong workers and exceptional leaders who will take America’s workforce into a new frontier of innovation. Together, we can close the workforce skills gap in Florida!
State Conference - SkillsUSA Florida
Mar 10, 2025 · The State Leadership and Skills Conference is the premier CTE event in the state of Florida. The top students in over 100 different skill and leadership competitions gather to compete against their peers for a chance to advance to …
About - SkillsUSA Florida
SkillsUSA offers local, state and national opportunities for students to learn and practice personal, workplace and technical skills. These three components comprise the SkillsUSA Framework, a blueprint for career readiness.
Competitions - SkillsUSA
Throughout the year, SkillsUSA students sharpen their skills through competitions on the local, regional and state levels, competitions created and judged by industry. The SkillsUSA Championships is the national pinnacle of those competitions, where more than 6,000 state champions compete in well over 100 skilled and leadership events.
Home | SkillsUSA
SkillsUSA is the #1 workforce development organization for students. We empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders and responsible community members. More than 850 national partners, including businesses, trade associations and unions. Hundreds more on the local levels.
SkillsUSA Championships
The SkillsUSA Championships is the national culmination of a year-long process that begins in local SkillsUSA chapters across the country. Local winners advance to district or regional competitions, testing their skills against competitors from other schools.
SkillsUSA Florida - Facebook
SkillsUSA Florida. 2,823 likes · 10 talking about this. SkillsUSA is America's proud champion of the skilled trades.
Membership - SkillsUSA Florida
At SkillsUSA Florida, we empower women, nonbinary individuals, and students of color to become world-class workers and leaders so they can support themselves and their families. SkillsUSA helps turn your dreams into reality with a faster, less expensive route to stable, well-paying jobs.
#NLSC24 is a wrap! SkillsUSA Florida's... - SkillsUSA Florida
#NLSC24 is a wrap! SkillsUSA Florida's competitors showed the nation that the sunshine state is a force to be reckoned with! Our delegation was represented by 369 students, teachers, parents and...
Home | SkillsUSA Georgia
SkillsUSA is America's proud champion of the skilled trades. Our mission is to empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders, and responsible community members.