Skewer - Chess Terms - Chess.com
A skewer is one of the basic tactics of chess. It consists of taking advantage of aligned pieces to gain material or, in some cases, a strategic edge against the other player. To use the skewer, you attack the file or diagonal where your opponent's pieces are lined up.
Skewer - Chess Lessons - Chess.com
Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Pins and Skewers. Pins and skewers are two ways that the "long-range" pieces (the bishop, the rook, and the queen) can attack two or more pieces simultaneously along the same rank, file, or diagonal.
Skewers | Chess Lessons - Chess.com
A skewer occurs when one piece attacks an opposing piece, that has a less valuable piece behind it, that can be captured once it moves. Skewers | Chess Lessons - Chess.com Sign Up Log In
The Skewer | Chess Lessons - Chess.com
A skewer is like a backwards pin in that you threaten a piece, force it to move, and capture a less valuable piece behind it. In a pin you attack a piece that has a more valuable piece behind it.
Chess Tactics: Forks, Pins, and Skewers Explained
Oct 21, 2024 · 1. Introduction to Chess Tactics. Chess is often described as a battle of minds, where strategy and tactics play crucial roles. While strategy refers to long-term planning, tactics involve short-term maneuvers designed to gain an immediate advantage. Some of the most powerful and widely-used tactics in chess include forks, pins, and skewers.
Forks, Pins, and Skewers - Chess.com
Mar 7, 2021 · A skewer is like a reverse pin. Like this diagram shows. This is an example of a skewer, the queen has to move because it is higher valued than the rook, but once the queen does move, the black rook will simply be taken by the bishop.
Every Chess Tactic Explained: Skewers
WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni is back with an overview of another key tactic, skewers. When you see two opposing pieces lined up, there's often a chance to win material.
The difference between "Pin" and "Skewer" in Chess
Jan 3, 2025 · Absolute skewer: The king is threatened, and the only way to save it is to move out of the way, exposing a major piece behind it to capture. For example: Relative skewer: A queen or rook is threatened, and if moved, it will allow capturing a less valuable piece like a …
Skewer - Chess Forums - Chess.com
Dec 31, 2020 · This puzzle is purely for beginners and meant to teach tactics Welcome everyone to this explanation of skewers. Skewers are a type of tactic to win material. The idea is that one can make use of the opponents king blocking a piece; exactly to win that piece. So remember, this tactic shows that it is...
Tactics vs. Strategy in Chess: Understanding the Key to Success
Jan 23, 2025 · A skewer is the opposite of a pin, where a valuable piece is attacked first, and once it moves, a less valuable piece behind it is captured. Example: A queen on a8 skewering a king on g8 and a rook on h8.