Sine function in C / C++ - Code Review Stack Exchange
The factorial() function is an integral function. It's arguments and return type should be integers, not doubles. By using floating-point arithmetic here, it is also probably not as fast as it should be. Also, your loop may start at 2, save yourself the iteration. :) There's no sense in making y in your pow() function a double. They should be ...
constexpr Sin Function C++ 14 - Code Review Stack Exchange
Jul 2, 2016 · I have written a constexpr sin function using c++14 and would like to know what I can do to improve it. I am trying to balance code clarity/maintainability with performance. My goal was to have every
c - Implementation of the trigonometric functions for real time ...
Apr 14, 2021 · In my testing (using C++ std::sin(), which should be the same function) the Standard Library sin() is about 9 times faster than the float version of LUT sine shown in @user673679's answer. If approximation suites you, as suggested already, You might find some help in Faster Math Functions (part 2) by Robin Green (part 1 also available).
c++ - Sine function calculated via look-up table and linear ...
Jul 14, 2021 · I have been attempting to implement a function calculating values of the sine function. I know that there are several similar threads regarding this topic but my goal was to try to implement such function in my own way as an excercise. I suppose that the argument will be in range \$\left<-2\pi\, +2\pi\right>\$.
performance - Fast approximate sin/cos function in Rust - Code …
Mar 22, 2023 · I initially started with sleef-rs’s fast sin function, and decoupled it from the library, made it more extensible, and optimized it further. During my optimization process, I’ve been closely watching the generated assembly and llvm-mca on multiple platforms to make sure progressions on some platforms didn’t result in regressions on others.
C++ templates for sin, cos, tan taylor series
Aug 6, 2017 · constexpr Sin Function C++ 14. Now, granted, I haven't scrutinized that code. Maybe it's buggy or has other problems. But I'll bet you 100 reputation you haven't read that implementation before writing yours... although you could have, if you'd have looked. I didn't know about it before I was writing this review.
VBA functions to calculate sun and moon positions
May 19, 2022 · Function DAZ(ByVal time As Double, ByVal timezone As Integer, ByVal dte As Double, ByVal Latitude As Double, ByVal Longitude As Double) As Double 'in degrees Dim SunAzimuth 'in degrees SunAzimuth = SunFunctions.SunAzimuth(time, timezone, dte, Latitude, Longitude) Dim MoonAzimuth 'in degrees MoonAzimuth = MoonFunctions.MoonAzimuth(time, …
Basic Trigonometry written in python3 - Code Review Stack …
Jul 27, 2020 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
c++ - Calculating sine and cosine - Code Review Stack Exchange
Mar 27, 2022 · This really is how many many good sin() functions work, but beyond the scope of this post. Only fair argument reduction. π is an irrational number. All finite double are rational. It is impossible to code π exactly as a double. Instead a nearby value is used called machine pi.
Generate sinusoid as Wave file - Code Review Stack Exchange
Oct 15, 2018 · It use a Function-Object "SinFunction" to calculate the value of any point of the amplitude in time. This object and two floats are given to the constructor of the generator object. The two floats are the frequency and the duration of the created signal.