Home / Silicon Valley Academy
Silicon Valley Academy, a pre-K through 8th Grade Islamic School in Sunnyvale CA, has been nurturing Bay Area Muslim youth for over 25 years!
CAREERS / Silicon Valley Academy - svaschool.org
Silicon Valley is seeking dedicated and enthusiastic teachers to join our team for the 2024-25 academic school year. We have part-time and full-time openings for homeroom teachers, teacher aides, single subject teachers, and specialized program teachers for Arabic and Quran.
ABOUT US / Silicon Valley Academy - svaschool.org
Our School We are a full-time, private Islamic school in Sunnyvale, California with 215 students enrolled in pre-kindergarten to accelerated high school.
ADMISSIONS & TUITION / Silicon Valley Academy
Annual Tuition Fees (lump sum) Monthly Tuition Fees (10-month period) Registration Fee Volunteer Fees Elementary School (KG - 5 th) . 1 student per family
SVA's 5-Acre Campus / Silicon Valley Academy
Silicon Valley Academy's newcampus (195 Leota Avenue, Sunnyvale, California) is centrally located in the Silicon Valley. With new 5-acre location, SVA is able to offer many amenities to enrich our students’ academic and social development, such as a state-of-the-art science lab, a large indoor gymnasium, a dedicated makerspace, outdoor ...
PARENT RESOURCES / Silicon Valley Academy - svaschool.org
Pre-K After-School Enrichment Program. Extended care is available for Pre-K students daily until 5:30 p.m. Extended Care is $18/child/hour. Any student who has not been picked at the end to the regular school day will be taken to extended care and the parent will be charged $18/child/hour.
OUR ACADEMICS / Silicon Valley Academy - svaschool.org
At Silicon Valley Academy, our curriculum exceeds the California State Standards, Common Core Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards for the skills and concepts taught at each grade level. Our teaching strategies from the GLAD model empower teachers to …
ENROLL / Silicon Valley Academy
2025-2026 Enrollment: Priority Registration for Returning Students begins February 10 at 8:00 a.m. Priority Registration for Sibling of SVA Students begins February 17 at 8:00 a.m.
Silicon Valley Academy is a full-time private Islamic school serving approximately 150 students and located in Sunnyvale, California. In 2020, SVA celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary of providing quality education in a
TEACHING PHILOSOPHY / Silicon Valley Academy
Silicon Valley Academy proudly implements GLAD, or Guided Language Acquisition Design, as its official teaching model and is the only Islamic school in the nation to do so. GLAD provides the philosophy and methods we use to both teach academic subjects and manage student behavior.