Chronograph Opinions Please | Page 2 | The High Road
May 9, 2012 · My chronograph anecdotes: Bought a shooting chrony $80 It only triggered half the time. I shot a hole through the chronograph with a handgun Bought another shooting chrony $80 It only triggered half the time. I shot a hole through the chronograph with a …
Chrony NOT working AGAIN | The High Road
Nov 20, 2011 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Chronograph recommendations? | Page 2 | The High Road
Oct 29, 2009 · Did you completely read my posts? I have owned TWO SC, one a std F1 bought in 1993 that was OK but finicky, and because of this experience predicated me doing a paid factory "upgrade" to the teathered F1 Master that in my experience of actual use and ownership was a total POS for reasons I...
Chrony Lead Poisongin Prevention | The High Road
Dec 26, 2015 · I'm wondering how thick of a steel plate I would need to put in front of my chrony to prevent a bullet going through. And yes, I know- aim better, don't shoot it in the first place, etc. Seems like a lot of Chrony's suffer from lead poisoning. I'll be …
exceeded max velocity with starting charge? | The High Road
Feb 25, 2012 · Just loaded up and shot my first 10 40s&w rounds. Everything seemed normal except the velocity. This was supposed to be a starting charge, but my chronograph says the velocity was over what you'd see with a max charge. I definitely won't increase the charge, but should I back off of my...
Chrony Data | The High Road
May 21, 2011 · Just got a chrony last week and took it out for a test run to see how my reloads are doing. Everything went well and I now have some averages for the various recipes I shot that day. Question is, what to do with that information? I see how it would be important for working with max loads, but so...
Battry for a PACT CRONY with IR screens | The High Road
May 14, 2011 · Does anyone know if they make a battery pack for the IR sky screens for the Pact Chrony:p
How often to chronograph? | The High Road
Jan 28, 2018 · I'm debating on getting a chronograph to check some loads and wondering how often you guys use it? Say you have your good load and it checks in at say...
Shooting Gear and Storage | Page 153 | The High Road
Jul 18, 2011 · Shooting Gear and Storage. Discuss or ask questions about safes / gun cabinets, range equipment, eye and ear protection, cleaning gear, and other firearm accessories that don't physically attach to the gun. Moderated by: taliv, ugaarguy
The 25-06 | The High Road
Feb 22, 2018 · That particular velocity average was attained in my 24" barrel using 54.2 grs. IMR4831 in Winchester brass, velocity measured over a Chrony Gamma Master November 5th 2003 with an ambient temperature of 35°F, and the highest recorded velocity that day was 3,227 FPS. I also pushed 100 grain Barnes TSX to 3,585 FPS average with a load of 57.1 grs.