shapes - What is the name of a squircle with three, five, six or …
Oct 18, 2017 · The shapes do not simply have rounded corners, but the sides have a "circularity". Here is a triangle with rounded corners next to the shape that I do not know the name of: "Trircle", "Triarcle", and "Pentircle" do not seem to be used for them, at least Google's image search does not provide any results.
shapes - Dragging And Moving One Corner Of A Rectangle In …
Mar 1, 2012 · Yes, when you draw a rectangle in AI the 4 corners will act exactly the same as if you drew a rectangle with the pen tool.
shapes - Blur Only Part of Line / Edge in Illustrator - Graphic …
Nov 13, 2021 · I found a graphic that I like on Adobe Stock: Basically, I'm wondering how to re-create this graphic in Illustrator. I understand how to create a gradient from left to right, or even a shape with ...
shapes - Outlining a group of movable objects in Inkscape
May 28, 2017 · A lightweight workaround: Have 2 copies of the shapes in different layers. add a new top layer; select all shapes; duplicate your shapes; remove the strokes; move the selection to the layer above; In the upper layer the shapes have only the fills, but no strokes. In the lower layer the shapes have both.
shapes - Is there a specific name for this square with two corners ...
Sep 12, 2018 · As a seasoned design professional I have memorised most of my shapes....triangles, circles... even rectangles, but I need to do some research on this shape, and for the life of me I cannot think "what to google"! "Square with two rounded corners" isn't working!
shapes - Uniting two objects in Illustrator - Graphic Design Stack …
Mar 5, 2017 · The best option will depend on the specific shapes you're working with. You may just be able to construct your paths differently. This, for example, is a similar shape drawn as a single path (without changing any corner or cap options, so you still have the sharp corners): Again, with the end points separated so you can see how it is constructed:
shapes - How do I create new objects from existing nodes in …
Select your shape and switch to edit path by nodes.; Create two new nodes on the border of your shape where you want to detach it by double clicking at the respective position.
shapes - Photoshop remove inner border from selection - Graphic …
Mar 1, 2012 · The simplest (and easiest to make accurate) way to get a border selection from a selection is to start with the inner circle, then use Select > Modify > Border and enter the width you need, in pixels.
shapes - What is the design rule for aesthetic rounded corners ...
Feb 20, 2014 · When is a rounded corner just right, when is too round or too squary ? There are a bunch of rules in design such as the golden rectangle, the thirds, etc, is there one for rounded corners ?
How to paint wave shapes in a digital medium? - Graphic Design …
Jan 20, 2022 · These shapes are in Inkscape. Actually only the selected one is drawn by doing a few pen clicks. It's a not so perfect attempt to replicate a waveform shown in the video. The others are more or less distorted copies: The shapes are pasted to Krita and converted to a selection mask for a painting layer. The painting layer has only 2 gradients.