Seaglass Carousel | At the Battery Conservancy
Mar 12, 2025 · The design team came up with the idea of an aquatic carousel to conjure The Battery's history as the first home of the New York Aquarium. SeaGlass was born through the genius of wxy architecture. Inspired by the chambered nautilus, the spiraling pavilion of glass and steel brings art, architecture, and music to children of all ages.
Seaglass Carousel | Seaglass Carousel at The Battery: Photos
Visit The Carousel. Open 7 Days a Week | 11am – 9pm; Enter across from 17 State Street
SeaGlass is a carousel like no other. - SeaGlass Carousel
SeaGlass is a carousel like no other. The 2,575 square foot pavilion—a huge chambered nautilus—designed by wxy architects spirals and shines amid The Battery’s flora. SeaGlass lacks the center pole of a traditional carousel.
Photos - SeaGlass Carousel
The design team came up with the idea of an aquatic carousel to conjure The Battery's history as the first home of the New York Aquarium. SeaGlass was born through the genius of wxy architecture. Inspired by the chambered nautilus, the spiraling pavilion of glass and steel brings art, architecture, and music to children of all ages.
Parties at SeaGlass - SeaGlass Carousel
The Battery Conservancy invites you to celebrate a birthday or other special occasion at SeaGlass Carousel. A dedicated Party Host will ensure your event is extra special and one you won’t forget. Parties at SeaGlass are magical experiences, set within the shade-covered terraces.
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THE SEAGLASS TEAM - SeaGlass Carousel
The design team came up with the idea of an aquatic carousel to conjure The Battery's history as the first home of the New York Aquarium. SeaGlass was born through the genius of wxy architecture. Inspired by the chambered nautilus, the spiraling pavilion of glass and steel brings art, architecture, and music to children of all ages.
C h i l d re n u n d e r 4 2 ” m u st b e ac c om p an i e d b y an ad u l t ( 1 8 or. ol d e r) . B oth th e ad u l t an d c h i l d m u st h av e a ri d e ti c ke t u n l e ss
The Seaglass Carousel accommodates many of those with special needs or a disability. We strive to accommodate all Guests who wish to enjoy the ride. However, for your safety, riding may be prohibited in any case where conditions are inappropriate, dangerous, or unable to meet the rules and regulations of the ride.