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ScramNet Auth
By Phone: U.S. Customers 303-785-7879 . U.K. Customers 0808-234-4658 . Australia Customers 02-807-42938 03-907-04720 . New Zealand Customers 03-659-0170 . Netherlands Customers
Alcohol Monitoring and Location Monitoring Solutions - SCRAM ...
SCRAM Systems provides alcohol monitoring and location monitoring solutions for community corrections and evidence-based practices.
Scram - Wikipedia
A scram or SCRAM is an emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor effected by immediately terminating the fission reaction. It is also the name that is given to the manually operated kill switch that initiates the shutdown.
SCRAM CAM® Bracelet Alcohol Ankle Monitor - SCRAM Systems
Like a breathalyzer for the ankle, the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM) bracelet provides 24/7 transdermal alcohol testing for hardcore drunk drivers, high-risk alcohol and domestic violence caseloads.
SCRAM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of SCRAM is to go away at once. How to use scram in a sentence.
What is the SCRAM CAM Bracelet and How Does It Work?
SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring® (SCRAM CAM®) is the most widely used transdermal alcohol monitoring bracelet in the corrections industry. Every 30 minutes, 24/7, the SCRAM CAM bracelet tests the wearer’s sweat for alcohol, but how exactly does it work?