Beta Pegasi - Wikipedia
Beta Pegasi (β Pegasi, abbreviated Beta Peg, β Peg), formally named Scheat / ˈʃiːæt /, [12][13] is a red giant star and the second-brightest star (after Epsilon Pegasi) in the constellation of …
Fixed Star Scheat - Astrology King
Jan 28, 2010 · Fixed star Scheat, Beta Pegasi, is a single star on the leg of the Winged Horse, Constellation Pegasus. Average magnitude 2.42, varying from 2.31 – 2.74, Spectral type …
Scheat - Star Facts – Stars: A guide to the night sky
Apr 13, 2020 · Scheat, Beta Pegasi (β Peg) is a red giant star located in the constellation Pegasus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.42, it is the second brightest star in Pegasus, after …
Meet Scheat, the Peak of Pegasus - Sky & Telescope
Oct 4, 2022 · In Chinese star mythology, Scheat is the second star of a constellation called the Encampment — a formation much smaller than Pegasus but utilizing some of the same stars.
Scheat (β Pegasi) Star | Facts, Information, Distance, History
Jul 14, 2020 · Scheat, designated as Beta Pegasi, is a red giant star located in the constellation of Pegasus. It is the second-brightest star in its constellation after Epsilon Pegasi. It is part of a …
Scheat - Constellations of Words
The history of the star: Scheat. from p.325 of Star Names, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889. Beta (β) Pegasus, Scheat, is deep yellow star on the leg of the Winged Horse.
Scheat - Ascension Glossary
Scheat is the second-brightest star in Pegasus and the 83rd brightest star in the sky. It's visible to the naked eye in dark skies and is also easily visible in areas with light pollution.
Scheat Star Facts (Beta Pegasi) - Universe Guide
Scheat is the 84th brightest star in the night sky and the 2nd brightest star in Pegasus based on the Hipparcos 2007 apparent magnitude. Based on a parallax of 16.64, Scheat distance from …
Scheat - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Like many red giants of its class, Scheat is actually an irregular variable star that slowly changes from middle second magnitude to bright third, a range of half a magnitude that is easily visible …
Star Beta Pegasi | Pegasus Constellation | Go Astronomy
Beta Pegasi (β Peg), also known as Scheat, is a spectral class M2II-IIIvar star of magnitude 2.44 located in the constellation Pegasus. β Peg is one of the brighter stars in Pegasus and can be …