In Progress - Openbor Sailormoon | Page 2 | ChronoCrash
Aug 19, 2019 · Sort of like the NES’s version of Double Dragon. That mode would be directed to Sailor V in a side mission. But that would be further down. Perhaps you would be willing to contribute a customs enemy from the Sailormoon world. Like Emeralda. But no worries, there’s still a ways to go. Still working on axis for Sailor Jupiter.
In Progress - Openbor Sailormoon | Page 23 | ChronoCrash
Aug 19, 2019 · The Sailor Jupiter's attack judgment is a little strange. The enemy can often hit you in a wrong position. You can't hit it. The special key sometimes can't hit the enemies around you. The judgment of lightning is also a little strange.
In Progress - Openbor Sailormoon | Page 9 - ChronoCrash
Aug 19, 2019 · Bloodbane coded this for Sailor Jupiter. Sailor Jupiter looks like she's ready to rumble. He's really doing a great job! Getting closer to another update. Again, the next release will have 2 characters: Jinrei Sailor Jupiter I want to make sure all of the voice, music, intro, and ending is there. The stage again, takes time because of edits.
In Progress - Openbor Sailormoon | Page 21 - ChronoCrash
Aug 19, 2019 · For Saturn and Jupiter's regular combos I'm surprised my edits for them didn't make it since they look so much better. Jupiter supposed to have only a 3 hit combo since she's a grappler which is inspired from the R game and Mike Haggar. As for Saturn I've updated her attacks with Karin from Gowcaizer I hope you use them. Also the special attacks.
In Progress - Sailor Moon Crystal - ChronoCrash
Apr 3, 2016 · 4) Sailor Mercury 5) Saior Mars 6) Sailor Jupiter 7) Sailor Venus 8) Sailor Chibi Moon 9) Sailor Pluto 10) Sailor Neptune 11) Sailor Uranus 12) Sailor Saturn 13) Sailor Star Fighter 14) Sailor Star Healer 15) Sailor Star Maker 16) Sailor Chibi Chibi If Crystal puts in more sailor will have to do them too but i dont think they will as it follows ...
In Progress - Openbor Sailormoon | Page 3 - ChronoCrash
Aug 19, 2019 · Just having Jinrei and in the future Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor V, and Sailor Neptune available ...
In Progress - Openbor Sailormoon | Page 10 | ChronoCrash
Dec 30, 2020 · Not to mention one of our Mugen programmer quit. But good news we have an Ikemen programmer who will be working on Sailor Moon next month. ;D I already gave Sailor Jupiter a graphical overhaul so majority of her sprites are totally new. I enjoyed the Super Famicom Sailor Moon R game especially doing the air slams.
Demo - Openbor Sailormoon - ChronoCrash
Jun 24, 2022 · Enjoy playing as the following in incredible stages with music from Battle Arena Toshinden Series: Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Sailor Saturn Jinrei from Guardians Tenchimaru from Oni Ninja Programming and...
sailor moon - ChronoCrash
Aug 19, 2019 · sailor moon Demo Openbor Sailormoon 2022.06.24 Enjoy playing as the following in incredible stages with music from Battle Arena Toshinden Series: Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Sailor Saturn Jinrei from Guardians Tenchimaru from Oni Ninja Programming and color separation and sprite rips by @Bloodbane...
In Progress - Real Bout Pro Wrestling (Openbor) - ChronoCrash
Dec 16, 2018 · Fantastic game, it's one of my favorite.the roster is good,but i think you can add capcom wrestler champions like zangief,mike hagar,r.mika,alex or hugo and snk wrestler champions like raiden/big bear,tizoc,red dragon(3count bount).it's could be players or bosses.I think it will be cool to create two road(the capcom roadwith his champ and the snk road with …