SCORM Explained: In Depth Review of the SCORM eLearning …
What is SCORM? We describe how SCORM works, the versions of SCORM, methods for gaining SCORM compliance and how SCORM compares to other eLearning standards.
SCORM Explained 101: One Minute SCORM Overview
In this SCORM overview we explain what SCORM is and why it matters. Learn about SCORM files, SCORM LMSs and how to get started.
SCORM.com HomePage: What is SCORM and How it Works
What is SCORM? SCORM is a set of technical standards for eLearning products. It provides the communication method and data models that allow eLearning content and LMSs to work …
SCORM 1.2: A developers guide to the SCORM eLearning standard
The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) allows learning content from any vendor to play in any SCORM conformant Learning Management System (LMS). SCORM was …
SCORM Versions: the Evolution of eLearning Standards
SCORM has evolved through the years from SCORM 1.2 to SCORM 2004. We dive into its evolution as well as how it compares to AICC, LTI, xAPI/Tin Can and cmi5.
Technical Overview of SCORM Specification/Standard
This technical overview of SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 for developers describes the SCORM specification, content packaging, run-time and sequencing.
SCORM Authoring Tools: Create SCORM content with these tools
Authoring tools help you easily create SCORM courses and ensure your content is compatible with your LMS. Check out these SCORM Authoring Tools.
The Best SCORM Examples: Sample SCORM Packages
These examples are about the technical guts of SCORM. The SCORM package examples start simple and then build on each other to create a fully functional SCORM conformant course. …
Technical guide to SCORM 2004: A developer's guide to SCORM …
A developer's technical guide for implementing SCORM 2004, including Run-Time Environment, Content Aggregation Model and Sequencing & Navigation.
The differences between SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004
What's the difference between SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004? This handy chart highlights the key features so you can make an informed decision for your content.