The Sound BlasterX Pro-gaming Series is designed and built from ground up, setting new standards for competitive gameplay and unparalleled comfort. Prepare yourself for a game-changing experience that will blow your mind.
Software | Harness the audio prowess of Sound Blaster on your …
Take your listening habits to the next level with our Sound Blaster software. Complete your audio experience with your very own personalization capabilities - whether you're on your phone or tablet, desktop or laptop.
BlasterX Acoustic Engine Lite | Download For Free
Powered by BlasterX Acoustic Engine , the Sound BlasterX Pro-gaming Series delivers unprecedented levels of audio realism to your ears for an immersive gaming experience – for deep, powerful bass and surround sound that add significant depths and realism to your game.
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Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming Seriesは、BlasterX Acoustic Engineによるディープでパワフルなバスとサラウンドサウンドによって、ゲームに奥行きとリアリズムを生み出し、臨場感溢れるゲーム体験をお届けします。
Developers can fully control and customize the Aurora Reactive Lighting Systems on their Sound BlasterX devices, allowing access to next level lighting effects, in-game enhancements, and even seamless interaction with audio.
BlasterX Acoustic Engine Lite | Download For Free
In der Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming Series steckt die BlasterX Acoustic Engine, die für unerreichten Klangrealismus für Ihre Ohren und ein immersives Gaming-Erlebnis sorgt – der tiefe, kraftvolle Bass und Surround-Klang sorgt in Ihrem Spiel für Tiefe und Realismus.
BlasterX Acoustic Engine Lite | Download For Free
Con tecnología de BlasterX Acoustic Engine, Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming Series ofrece niveles sin precedentes de realismo de audio para una experiencia de juegos realista; para graves profundos y potentes y un sonido envolvente que añade una …
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Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming 系列由BlasterX Acoustic Engine 技术保驾护航,旨在传递无与伦比的音效真实感,提供身临其境般的游戏体验 – 其深沉、浑厚的低音和环绕声,为游戏增添了不少深度和真实感。
BlasterX Acoustic Engine Lite | Download For Free
Dotata di tecnologia BlasterX Acoustic Engine, Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming Series offre alle tue orecchie livelli senza precedenti di realismo audio per un'esperienza di gaming immersiva: bassi profondi e potenti e audio surround in grado di aggiungere una profondità e un realismo impressionanti alla tua esperienza di gioco.
BlasterX Acoustic Engine Lite | Download For Free
Grâce au BlasterX Acoustic Engine, la Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming Series offre à vos oreilles des niveaux de réalisme audio sans précédent pour une expérience de jeu immersive. Des basses profondes et puissantes et un son surround ajoutent des dimensions et un réalisme incomparables à votre jeu.