Best mouse for drag clicking | Hypixel Forums - Hypixel SkyBlock …
Oct 24, 2021 · 4. Roccat Kain 100 - Budget mouse for dragging: it can drag click ok: YouTubers like Doogile use it. It's also good for butterfly clicking. And there you have it: The best mice for drag clicking! I would say the overall best is the Kone Pro. Not only can u get 70+ CPS, it's also good for ALL clicking methods, and is actually lighter than the ...
Does drag clicking wear down a mouse? - Roccat Kone Pro
May 14, 2023 · I recently bought a new mouse to learn different bridging methods in BedWars that require drag clicking. That mouse being the Roccat Kone Pro is actually a very suitable, easy to drag click mouse. Before I bought the Roccat mouse, I had bought a total of 2 Glorious Model O's. My reason? Well...
how to stop double clicking on my roccat mouse?` - Hypixel …
Nov 22, 2020 · i have a kain 100 for drag clicking and when i click right mouse button it clicks 2-3 times instead of once, is there a way i can fix this without ruining... Log in Register Join 29,000+ other online Players!
Roccat Burst Pro [overview + personal experience] [HIGH EFFORT]
Aug 5, 2022 · Roccat Burst Pro Recently, I bought the Roccat Burst Pro for several general reasons. 1. I wanted to see it’s performance Performance - The Roccat Burst Pro, reached standards that I wasn’t even looking for in the mouse market. The most in-depth part for me, was the ‘heat-treated pure PTFE...
Why am I getting mouse lag? [ISSUE SOLVED THANK YOU]
Nov 6, 2019 · I have a Roccat Kain 120 Aimo btw Any help is appreciated (Minecraft, application settings, minecraft settings, mouse settings, other adjustment suggestions) Thanks! UPDATE: Issue solved! I just did some googling to see what could cause mouse lag. Looks like its better known as mouse acceleration issues and is well known in minecraft.
Best Mice for Bedwars | Hypixel Forums
May 14, 2023 · Best budget mouse: Roccat Kone Pro is on sale for under 25 dollars, can butterfly 20+ and drag 50+. Best slightly expensive mouse: Model O wireless, 20+ butterfly, and can drag 30+ Best expensive mice: Roccat Kain 100/120 can drag 50+, can butterfly 24+ Model I can drag 45, butterfly somewhere from 20-25+
Best Roccat Mouse? | Hypixel Forums
Nov 25, 2020 · ah yes another bedwars related thread idk but google sure does also model o can butterfly/jitter/drag and the bloody al90 and a70 are sometimes better for drag than roccat mouses
does roccat swarm software have a debounce time setting?
Jul 22, 2017 · So I'm currently in the market for a new mouse and I'm seriously considering getting the Roccat Kone AIMO Remastered, im mainly looking to use it for drag clicking. I know that the Glorious software has something where you can set your debounce time super low, but I'm not sure if the swarm software can do the same.
What is the best roccat mouse for drag clicking | Hypixel Forums
Apr 4, 2020 · Ik its not exactly bedwars related but i know that people use drag clicking for alot of things in bedwars and was wondering which of the roccat mice are the best for drag clicking. If there are mice from other brands that are good that will also work. Thanks.
Good mice with 0 debounce time option? | Hypixel Forums
Apr 9, 2021 · 0 debounce time is practically hacking so I’d get a 2-4 debounce time option. I’d say get a roccat, glorious (glorious is questionable), or a bloody a70 (regular or retextured.