Adjustable Refresh Rate - Engine Features - Developer Forum
Oct 2, 2023 · As a seasoned developer on Roblox, one of my biggest gripes is the 60 FPS cap. To go above the refresh rate right now on desktop, you need to download and run a 3rd party tool: This tool frequently breaks with updates, especially on Studio. It’s become routine after Byfron. Regardless, I’ve been using tools to uncap FPS for years. It’s never been an issue on Studio …
Are FPS unlockers agains the TOS? - Scripting Support - Roblox
Sep 5, 2020 · The most popular FPS unlocker for Roblox does not modify anything that is protected by Roblox’s memcheck and other security measures, such as the Roblox Luau VM, etc. It does not inject any files, such as any DLL files, but instead just modifies program memory.
FPS Unlocker Changes Recoil FE Gun Kit - Roblox
Aug 15, 2023 · Hello, I’m trying to add guns to my game using FE Gun Kit. My monitor is 240 hertz so I use an FPS Unlocker when I play Roblox so It makes things look smooth. Every time I use FE Gun Kit, I get the same problem where when I shoot a gun in 60 FPS, the recoil is normal. But when I shoot in 240 FPS, the recoil goes REALLY high. I searched everywhere in the …
Does Roblox allow the use of FPS unlockers?
Mar 18, 2020 · Hey, so I was watching some footage of people playing my bowling game with FPS unlockers, allowing them to get 400+ frames. It actually breaks some elements of my game, such as extremely quicker animations… Does Roblox even allow this? If so, is there any way I could combat this? Like, would there be a way I could use RenderStep to determine if the …
How to unlock the 60 FPS Cap, With/Without Software - Roblox
Mar 20, 2023 · while your display can only go up to 120, Roblox will stay at 120. If user display maximum 120hz and the gpu compability possible get higher than 120 fps then the app will run at higher fps BUT the app will run at 120hz on display not for the game, so even your display max 60hz and ur gpu possible get 120fps then while check your fps by shift+F5 key on Frame …
Tutorial: Making an unlock mouse script - Community Tutorials
Dec 10, 2023 · Hello Robloxians and devs, if your game is first person and you have GUI which needs to be clicked with a mouse to interact with, then you’re in for a treat. Because in this tutorial, you will learn how to make unlock mouse in first person script. (Please note that this only works in games with locked first person.) Before scripting Make a ScreenGui. Optionally, name …
How can I make my script work with an FPS unlocker? - Roblox
Mar 5, 2022 · Hey, I have a script that bobs your camera as you move, and as expected, it quite literally has a seizure when you play with an FPS unlocker.
Players are getting different camera shakes when they play at
Jul 19, 2022 · What do you want to achieve? Because of Roblox FPS unlocker, I want to lock the camera shake for all the Players who are playing at around 60 FPS or more. What is the issue? I ran the camera script with using Roblox Fps Unlocker and the Intensity of the Bobbing is much more Stronger. Video of script running at around 240 FPS But when I cap the script at 60 FPS, …
How To Set Max Fps Via Script? - Scripting Support - Roblox
Nov 23, 2023 · What do you want to achieve? I Want To Implement A Fps Unlocker Screen On My Games Settings Menu. What is the issue? There Isnt Any Tutorials What solutions have you tried so far? Tried Looking Into UserSettings() but there wasnt anything about fps. welp
Unlocking mouse in forced first person mode - Roblox
Jun 15, 2020 · Is it possible for me to unlock the mouse in a game which forces first person? I mainly need to do this to make GUI interactions much easier, but haven’t been able to find any way of doing it yet.