Regency Dances
Popular dances were often published more than once, sometimes with different figures, or even with different tunes; our version is faithfully reconstructed and historically informed, but …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music Learn Regency Dances, Regency Dancing and Regency Dancers RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
Regency dancing is characterised by an impression of lightness and lift, contrasting with the more stylised court dances of earlier times. Clothes were simple and classical in style, and lighter in …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
Dance Steps Ballroom Etiquette Regency Style We are lucky that, apart from the rare solo sequences, only a small number of basic steps are sufficient for almost any ball. Where solo …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
The dances of the Regency era come from the long tradition of English Country Dances and share their inheritance with Scottish Country Dancing, but the dancing is smoother with an …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
Feb 24, 2015 · In previous papers we've investigated some of the figures used in Cotillion dancing (Allemande, Pousette, Promenade), and their subsequent adoption into English Country …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
Apr 14, 2015 · The Waltz was a (literally) revolutionary dance that entered the British Assembly Halls from Europe during the greater Regency era. In this paper we'll consider the history of …
Programme for a Royal Ball, 1813 - Regency Dances
Apr 17, 2019 · The single most prestigious appearence of the tune was as one of only two dances at the 1811 Carlton House Ball that celebrated the commencement of The Regency, it was …
RegencyDances.org - your index to 19th century dances
provide information about genuine Regency dances of known provenance, and any other activities and information deemed by the officers to be of interest to Regency dancers …
The Dance Collections of William Campbell - Regency Dances
Mar 19, 2017 · It went on to be a very popular dance in Regency London. Campbell's version is perhaps an intermediate form of the dance later promoted by Wilson and even the novelist …