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Khan Academy
Los neurotransmisores son mensajeros químicos que transmiten señales entre las neuronas a través de sus receptores específicos.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy
可汗学院 - Khan Academy
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Кан Академия
Опа. Нещо се обърка. Моля, опитай отново. Опа, изглежда, че нещо се обърка. Трябва да обнови ...
Khan Academy
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How to translate the text in an image? - Khan Academy Help Center
May 19, 2023 · There are three types of images involved with translations. Type 1: New Graphie. New Graphie images are referenced by links starting with “web+graphie://ka-perseus-graphie”, like: web+graphie://ka-perseus-graphie.s3.amazonaws.com/06668e9f7ae3174165a9b456b5e9016fc3dc79db. These are …
Khan Academy
Misyonumuz herkese, her yerde, dünya standartlarında ve ücretsiz eğitim imkanı sağlamaktır.
Free K-2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Khan Academy Blog
Jul 25, 2023 · Retelling stories. Retelling a story seems simple at first—all you have to do is say what happened in the story you just read! However, retelling will eventually lead to the more sophisticated skill of summarization.We want to make sure kids understand all the elements involved: identifying the most important details, putting events in order, and condensing it all …
What ELA material does Khan Academy have?
Aug 19, 2024 · Our ELA courses include skill-building videos and articles so that students and teachers can choose the resources that best support learning. We also offer two types of practice activity. Short, targeted exercises help students focus on specific skills and close learning gaps.