Category:Characters - Ready Player One Wiki
Below are articles relating to characters in the novel or the movie, and should not be confused with articles relating to real life persons.
Ready Player One: Character List - SparkNotes
A list of all the characters in Ready Player One. Ready Player One characters include: Wade Watts/Parzival, James Halliday/Anorak, Samantha Cook/Art3mis , Aech.
Ready Player One Wiki - Fandom
The Ready Player One Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia designed to cover everything there is to know about the groundbreaking and imaginative book by Ernest Cline, and the film …
Ready Player One Characters - GradeSaver
Ready Player One study guide contains a biography of Ernest Cline, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.
Ready Player One Characters - Course Hero
Complete List of Characters in Ernest Cline's Ready Player One. Learn everything you need to know about Wade Watts, Art3mis, and more in Ready Player One.
Ready Player One | Ready Player One Wiki - Fandom
Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American author Ernest Cline. The story, set in a dystopian 2040s, follows protagonist Wade Watts on his search for …
Characters in Ready Player One - TV Tropes
A page for describing Characters: Ready Player One. Main Chromatic Arrangement: In the film, Parzival is prominently blue, Art3mis and Daito wear red and …
Ready Player One Character Analysis - LitCharts
Need help on characters in Ernest Cline's Ready Player One? Check out our detailed character descriptions. From the creators of SparkNotes.
Ready Player One — Characters - CliffsNotes
Ready Player One Characters Ernest Cline. Cite This Page Menu. Contents; Summary; Chapter Summaries Chapter Summaries Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapters 3-4; Chapter 5; …
Characters - Ready Player One
Wade Watts, known as Parzival in the OASIS, is the main protagonist of Ready Player One. He is a gunter: someone who hunts for Halliday's Easter Egg. Wade is eighteen years old at the …