Equatorial coordinate system - Wikipedia
The declination symbol δ, (lower case "delta", abbreviated DEC) measures the angular distance of an object perpendicular to the celestial equator, positive to the north, negative to the south. …
What are RA and DEC? - Celestron
Nov 17, 2022 · RA (right ascension) and Dec (declination) are the coordinates on the sky that correspond to longitude and latitude on Earth. RA measures east and west on the celestial …
Celestial Coordinates for Beginners - Sky & Telescope
Feb 26, 2019 · You can convert RA and Dec. by coordinate transformation (Jean Meeus Astronomical Algorithms) to your geographic location and find the altitude and azimuth of the …
Celestial Coordinates: RA, Dec, Alt, Az, Etc. - Star Walk
Jul 15, 2023 · Right ascension (RA) measures the eastward angular distance of an object along the celestial equator, starting from the First Point of Aries. Right ascension is the celestial …
Chapter 2: Reference Systems - NASA Science
Jan 16, 2025 · Declination (DEC) is the celestial sphere's equivalent of latitude and it is expressed in degrees, as is latitude. For DEC, + and - refer to north and south, respectively. The celestial …
Celestial Coordinates - Rochester Institute of Technology
Right Ascension (or "RA") and Declination (or "Dec") are global coordinates: any particular star has the same RA and Dec for all observers on Earth, and that position remains the same, …
What do the abbreviations R.A. and Dec. mean, and how do you ...
Jul 22, 2013 · What do the abbreviations R.A. and Dec. mean, and how do you use them to find objects in the sky? R.A. means “right ascension” and Dec. means “declination”; these are the …