Correct way to make a Python HTTPS request using requests …
Your code is fighting the Requests library: you're doing a lot of stuff yourself that Requests will do for you. Firstly, don't form-encode your data yourself, let Requests do it by providing a dictionary to data, like @flyer's answer suggested. When you do this, Requests will also correctly set the Content-Type header, so you don't have to.
How to get Python requests to trust a self signed SSL certificate ...
I know it is an old thread. However, I run into this issue recently. My python requests code does not accept the self-signed certificate but curl does. It turns out python requests are very strict on the self-signed certificate. It needs to be a root CA certificate. In …
python - How to extract the HTTP error text from a requests …
Sep 4, 2018 · When raised with raise_for_status(), e.reason contains a default message that's put there by the requests library, source code for requests. user1898153's answer gets to the actual response from the exception handler.
Correct way to try/except using Python requests module?
Aug 21, 2022 · When examining a non-None returned exception, requests.RequestException, the superclass of all the requests exceptions (including requests.ConnectionError), is not "requests.exceptions.RequestException" according to the docs. Maybe it has changed since the accepted answer.** Obviously this assumes a logger has been configured.
Request returns bytes and I'm failing to decode them
I faced a similar issue using beautifulsoup4 and requests while scraping webpages, however both response.text and response.content looked like it was bytes. The response headers included 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' encoding in the headers, also had this in the response headers - 'Content-Encoding': 'br' .
Python requests with proxy failing for WinError 10060
Aug 23, 2020 · Python Requests Library not utilising proxy. 1. Python3 Requests not using passed-in proxy. Hot Network ...
How do I clear cache with Python Requests? - Stack Overflow
The client side (python requests) isn't caching the request, but the server may be using some sort of caching and we're explicitly requesting a fresh version of the content. – Pedro Lobito Commented Dec 22, 2021 at 3:55
How to send a "multipart/form-data" with requests in python?
Sep 12, 2012 · Requests has changed since some of the previous answers were written. Have a look at this Issue on Github for more details and this comment for an example.
twitter - python: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly ...
I am writing python to crawl Twitter space using Twitter-py. I have set the crawler to sleep for a while (2 seconds) between each request to api.twitter.com. However, after some times of running (a...
python - ImportError: No module named requests - Stack Overflow
Mar 30, 2022 · Python 2: sudo pip install requests. Python 3: sudo pip3 install requests. if you have pip installed (pip is the package installer for python and should come by default with your python installation). If pip is installed but not in your path you can use python -m pip install requests (or python3 -m pip install requests for python3)