GBH - PentaxForums.com
Aug 13, 2024 · Great catch Ski Jumper. Those pretty ducks seem to be yukking it up with the Heron. « "One amazing Peruvian Zinnia. "| A very rapid Bee..
Startled Ducks - PentaxForums.com
Mar 21, 2018 · Startled the only pair of Mallards that have stayed around the Steamboat landing in Belfast Maine yesterday. two weeks ago there was over a dozen but
wood ducks - Tagged Pentax Forum Threads - PentaxForums.com
Threads Tagged with wood ducks: Thread / Thread Starter: Last Post: Replies: Views: Forum
First retro-looking AF film SLR? - PentaxForums.com
I ignored AF film SLRs for a pretty long time. I was shooting with Pentax MX's and a Super Program since the early 1980s. I wasn't interested in the SF or PZ line at all. Then, in 1995, I looked at a ZX-5 (MZ-5) and loved the look...we didn't call it retro then. It had dials.
Yashica Yashinon 28mm f2.8 DX Auto - Pentax Forums
Dec 11, 2024 · At f5.6 things improve with pretty good sharpness all over and with a particularly good centre to periphery sharpness at middle-distance. It's good but not very good. It's much like a smaller and much cheaper Hoya 28mm M42 quality here, but nowhere close to a Vivitar Komine 28mm (if you can find one with a M42 mount that isn't a ridiculous price).
Pentax SV refurbishment / repair - PentaxForums.com
Jan 23, 2025 · Pretty dirty, shutter misfiring / second curtain not traveling across the rails at speed below 1000 / 500. Fungus and dirt all through the prism and restricted view from a curtain above the mirror. First steps were simple, a thorough clean all over with isopropyl to get the years of grime and dirt off it.
Ricoh-connected photographer believes new Pentax SLR coming …
Feb 11, 2025 · Most of the ones on display by Sony, Fuji and Panasonic. I don't remember how many I tried by Nikon or Canon. The most likely option for anyone who has a Pentax is Sony, since there's a lens adapter. However, cameras like the Sony Alpha 6400 are ergonomically pretty poor.----- Post added 14-02-25 at 02:44 PM -----
best settings for K-3 and birding - PentaxForums.com
Nov 19, 2017 · Lotta little guys that really move fast. Typically get one chance to nail them before they take off. I'll prop open the door on the porch and hang a sheet with a hole cut out for the lens as my blind to shoot through. Let's me get pretty close. …
Removing scratches from lenses - PentaxForums.com
An optical surface has to maintain its figure to a remarkable degree of accuracy to do its job and short of refiguring (fine grinding), re-polishing, and re-coating said lens, it's pretty much impossible to remove surface defects. That said, if the scratches are minor, they probably won't affect the imaging that much and can be ignored.
Darktable colour issues. - PentaxForums.com
I have trouble with getting good colour in Darktable. On Linux DT 4.6.1. DNGs courtesy of a K-1ii with custom set to natural.