Home - Portofino
At Portofino our philosophy is simple; We pride ourselves on excellent food and unrivaled service. For more than four decades we have been serving exquisite Italian cuisine to locals and tourists alike. Introducing our new head chef, Maximo Villagra, our newly renovated dining room, and our new lunch and dinner menus.
Menu - Portofino
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PORTOFINO SPECIAL $23.95 $27.95 Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Tuna Fish & Onions 12. BERMUDA SPECIAL $25.95 $32.95 Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Bermuda Sausage, Salami, Hamburger & Onions 13. CESARE’S SPECIAL $24.95 $30.95 Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Red Peppers, Anchovies,Capers & Garlic 14..
PORTOFINO BREAD Homemade Bread & Butter, 4 slices per order. $4.00. FOCACCIA Pizza crust, topped with garlic, olive. oil & seasoning and olive paste on the side. $10.00. MINESTRONE V Classic Vegetables Soup, Served. with Crispy Parmesan Cheese and Croutons $12.00. LENTICCHIE GF Lentils Soup with Parma Ham, Pancetta and Homemade Sausage …
D I N N E R M E N U GARLIC BRE AD 4 Sli ces pe r ord e r $3.75 PORTOFI NO BRE AD Ho m e m a d e Brea d & B utt e r, 4 sli ces pe r ord e r. $2.50 FOCAC CIA Pizz a cr u st , t o p ped with garli c, olive oil & sea sonin g an d olive pa st e on th e si d e. $8.00 M I NE STRONE V C l a ssi c Vege t abl es Soup, Se r ved with Cr is py Par m esan Ch eese an d Crou t ons $11.00
TAGLIERE PORTOFINO It alian C old Cu ts, Cocc ole, Mix of Crost i ni, Pecori no. Cheese and Honey $24. COCCOLE Deep Fried Pizza D ough, Aru gula, Tomato , Burrata and Parm a Ham $22 TUNA TARTARE Oliv es, Cap e r s , Spring Onions and arugula, drizz led wi th. Oliv e O il and Lemon . Served with Crostini $23 C AE S A R V
B U R GE R 8 o z H om em a d e H a mb u r ge r, L e ttuc e, T om at oe , Taleggio, P anc et t a. $19 F I L E TT O H o m e m ad e B r e a d , B e e f T e n d e rl oin, H am, Eg g, P r ovolon e C heese, L et t u c e, Tomato, M u s t a r d M a y o $20 Z O N Z E L LA F r ie d P iz z a D ou gh B re a d , Aru gul a, T omat o, Parma H am an d Burrat a $18
Photo Gallery - Portofino
Special Summer Bermuda Menu. FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL: Tel: 292-2375. Facebook. Comments are closed for this post.
BERMUDA AWARDS 2017 'In the Category of Pizza "warded to Portofino Restaurant SPONSORED BY ...
- [PDF]
WINE BY THE GLASS WHITES Pasqua Malvasia di Puglia 2017 10/22 Puglia Ruffiino Orvieto Classico 2016 12 Umbria Banfi San Angelo Pinot Grigio 2017 13