Porous Asphalt - An Eco-Friendly Pavement Option - Paving Finder
Dec 29, 2023 · Porous asphalt, a unique mixture of aggregates and bituminous binder, creates a permeable surface, similar in appearance to traditional asphalt but with a rougher texture. This structure allows water to pass through to a granular base and stone reservoir beneath, effectively reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge.
Porous Asphalt Paving Solutions - Tarmac
Our range of Porous Asphalts provide effective water management by capturing surface rainwater and holding it back, delaying it entering local drainage systems. Conventional paved surfaces are designed to shed water.
Best Practices of Porous Asphalt Paving - AsphaltPro Magazine
Porous asphalt is a stormwater management tool that can reduce storm sewer loads and stormwater fees, or even eliminate the cost of conventional stormwater management systems, as well as minimize debris collecting in drainage swales.
Differences Between Porous Asphalt and Standard Asphalt
Porous asphalt was designed to mimic the way soil filters stormwater before it flows into waterways, which is better for humans and the environment. Here are the main differences between permeable and standard asphalt.
Porous - National Asphalt Pavement Association
Porous asphalt pavements allow for land development plans that are more thoughtful, harmonious with natural processes, and sustainable. They conserve water, reduce runoff, and promote infiltration, which cleanses stormwater, replenishes aquifers, and protects streams.
How It Works: Porous Asphalt Pavements | Asphalt Contractor
May 21, 2020 · Porous asphalt pavements are commonly used for parking lots and other light-duty applications. Full-depth porous asphalt pavements are increasingly being used on roadways as part of efforts to mitigate flooding hazards, reduce hardscape and improve sustainability.
Types Of Asphalt - What’s The Difference? - Paving Finder
Nov 16, 2023 · Porous Asphalt, distinguished by its visible perforations, serves as a groundbreaking solution for effective water drainage and stormwater management. Designed with environmental considerations in mind, it allows water to flow through its surface, reducing runoff.