What Planck Length Is and It’s Common Misconceptions - Physics …
Sep 9, 2015 · What is the Planck Length? Planck units are defined based on physical constants rather than human-scale phenomena. So while the second is originally one-86400th of a day, the Planck time is based on the speed of light, Newton’s gravitational constant, and Planck’s (reduced) constant, which is twice the angular momentum of an electron.
Planck time, distance, mass? Why do we take those values?
hbar tells you the Energy/momentum time/position uncertainty, so that the radius at which a black hole's compton wavelength is comparable to its size is the Planck length. This is the smallest distance you can probe, since a particle of Planck energy is required to probe the Planck length, and it will produce a black hole of size the Planck length.
spacetime - Planck time & length - Physics Stack Exchange
In the same way, when you say Planck length is the smallest possible distance ever, does that mean every particle( or it's constituents) jumps from one point to another where distance between the points is Planck's length, kinda like strip lighting, where bulbs lit in a sequence give the illusion that the glowing section is moving along the strip?
Planck Time Problem: Calculation & Explanation - Physics Forums
Sep 1, 2011 · The time is called Planck time and represents the age of the universe before which the laws of physics as presently understood cannot be applied. Using the formula for the Planck time derived in part (a), what is the time in seconds?
Smallest Unit of Time: Planck Time Explained - Physics Forums
Jan 14, 2008 · The Planck time is the time it takes for a particle traveling at c to cross the Planck length. Also, dimensional analysis shows that the Planck length is the only length that can be obtained from some mix of the 3 important physical constants G, h, c (up to a scale factor), so this shows that it might (must?) have some physical importance.
How far can light go in 1 Planck time? | Homework.Study.com
Planck Time: The Planck time is the fundamental unit of time in the Planck units system and is the smallest measurement of time that has any meaning. The Planck time is the "quantum of time" and is equal to {eq}10^{-43} s {/eq}. Answer and Explanation:
Universe Tick Rate: Planck Time? - Physics Forums
Dec 3, 2014 · "Transplankian surface" would just be the place where, as you work your way back in time, using the expanding universe model that they use, the ENERGY DENSITY gets above some critical value, like the Planck unit of energy density. Or half the Planck energy density. Something like that. That energy density is amazingly high.
Can decoherence time be shorter than Planck time?
If it is not shorter than the Planck length, it's surely easy to consider just slightly bigger systems for which it will be shorter than the Planck time. The statement that it is shorter than the Planck time doesn't mean that you have been actually able to "see" events in spacetime with a trans-Planckian resolution, so it's no violation of the ...
Is Planck Time and Length the Smallest Possible Units of …
Jul 16, 2013 · Hope someone can clear this up for me, is Planck time the shortest possible time in which a particle or quark or anything can perform some kind of action... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides Physics FAQ Math Articles Math Tutorials Math Guides Math FAQ Education Articles Education Guides ...
Why Does Planck Time Exist? - Physics Forums
May 3, 2013 · Planck time is the time that it takes light to traverse that distance. It does make a bit more sense now, since light speed is the limit, and there is a limit to how close two thingscan be to each other.