quantum gravity - Physical Significance of the Planck Density
Apr 15, 2015 · Planck's density can also be interpreted as the matter density for which the spacetime torsion field induced by fermions fields becomes important, in General Relativity (or …
event horizon - What is exactly the density of a black hole and …
Nov 16, 2015 · It is likely that you can pack no more than about one Planck mass into each Planck volume, i.e. cubic Planck length. This works out to 5.1555e96 kg/m^3. This works out …
Singularities, Density, and the Planck Length - Physics Forums
Apr 9, 2011 · Since density is equal to mass/area, and neither mass nor area can be finite (the star collapsing has a finite mass and length or area is restricted by the Planck length) density …
The strange thing about the maximum in Planck's law
For a mass density $\rho$ you have a mass per unit volume, and the density can vary from place to place, so to get the total mass you break up space into a bunch of little volumes, each of …
dimensional analysis - What is the significance of Planck units ...
Dec 30, 2020 · People talk about things like “spacetime foam” or “spacetime quanta” at (around) the Planck length and time scales, string-theory particles with masses at (around) the Planck …
Where is radiation density in the Planck 2013 results?
The radiation density has two components: the present-day photon density $\rho_\gamma$ and the neutrino density $\rho_\nu$.
Density function with Planck's law - Physics Stack Exchange
Apr 22, 2023 · If you want to get energy out of that expression of Planck's law, you need to integrate it with respect to wavelength over some finite change in wavelength to get Radiance …
Planck formula and density of photons - Physics Forums
Jul 14, 2016 · The formula in the book is number of photons per volume per unit energy, thence the difference by a Planck's constant. The refractive index does have to be included in the …
Planck's Law in terms of wavelength - Physics Stack Exchange
Planck's law - spectral radiance per wavelength, wikipedia article ... Density function with Planck's law ...
Why is the Planck Mass Surprisingly Large Compared to Other Units?
Aug 6, 2005 · ok, Planck mass density is another story, but the original question was of Planck mass, and I did say that it was very small, but I was thinking about the Planck length when I …