Home - Mack Brush
The hair that we use in our striping brushes is 100% unmixed squirrel hair and the brush is made in America by Americans in Jonesville, Michigan. This is a statement that no other pinstriping manufacturer can claim!
Amazon.com: Pinstriping Brush
Pinstriping Brush Set, Fuumuui 4pcs Squirrel Hair Striping Brushes, Detail Script Liner Brush, Scroll Brush, Sword Brush, Dagger Striper Brush, Professional Art Paint Brushes
Pinstriping Brushes and Tools | BLICK Art Materials
Blick has a great selection of pinstriping brushes by Kafka, Da Vinci, Dynasty, Princeton, and Silver Brush. Shop for longliners, dagger stripers, and more.
Pinstriping Brushes - Pinstriping Tools - Paint Striping Tool - Eastwood
Pinstriping brushes are uniquely designed to allow you to pull a smooth, consistent line for a long duration, without having to stop for more paint. On top of that they use special bristles and ferrules to insure the bristles stay with the brush, not in your work.
Amazon.com: Pinstripe Brushes
Custom Shop Pinstriping Brush Master Set (Sword #0, 00, 000, Scroll #1 & #2, Long Liner #00) - The Complete Set of Every Brush Style and Size - High Performance Striping Brushes
The Original Mack Sword Striping Brush (10)
The Original Mack Brush designed just for pinstripers! Made of the finest 100% Pure Blue Squirrel Hair handcrafted and shaped just like it was at the beginning. This brush is a necessity for pinstriping! Available in sizes 0000 (New Size), 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4 (see chart below) Series 10
Home - Pinstriper.com
“Elevate your artistic finesse with our exceptional pinstriping brush. Meticulously crafted to deliver unparalleled precision and control, each brush becomes an extension of your creative vision. Whether you’re a seasoned pinstriping pro or a passionate beginner, our brush’s finely tapered bristles ensure flawless lines.
Amazon.com: Pinstripe Brush
ARTIFY Pinstriping Brush Set, 6 Pcs Professional Mixed Squirrel Hair Detail Script Liner Brush, Scroll Brush, Sword Brush, Dagger Striper Brush, High Performance Lettering Brush for Painting
Pinstriping Supplies - Tropical Glitz
Pinstriping Brushes and Enamels - Find all you need for pinstriping. All kinds of pinstriping brushes: sword brushes, dagger brushes, striping brushes, longliner brushes, script liner brushes. - Variety of Pinstriping and Lettering Enamels from House of Kolor and Oneshot
Home - Mr. J's Xcaliber Corporation
Founded by world-renowned artist and author, Julian “Mr. J” Braet is recognized as one of the pioneers of custom airbrush lettering and pinstriping. His work has graced numerous trade publication, and his reputation for high-quality work spans the country.