Northern Tree Habitats | Geophysical Institute
Mar 13, 2025 · The best lodgepole pine races are faster-growing than the local spruces and larch planted in the same area; but again, only time will tell if the advantage will remain with the pine. Why take a chance with exotics, when native trees have proven their ability to survive? Several reasons prompt testing of foreign tree species.
Visit to an exotic tree plantation in Alaska
Jun 18, 2021 · The two-acre exotic tree plantation is part of a much-larger “boreal arboretum” on the UAF campus, which mostly consists of native spruce, birch, aspen, poplar and willow trees. Having borrowed the key from a researcher with UAF’s Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Woodward has invited me to join him inside the chain-link fence.
Burls and Human Cancer | Geophysical Institute
Mar 13, 2025 · Photograph of a section cut from a tree with 5 burls that simultaneously grew at the same level on the tree. Annual growth rings can be followed around the tree trunk at center and into each of the burls. The rings show that the growth of burls began when the tree was about 40 years old. This tree was cut on a north slope near timberline by Jim Moore of Fairbanks.
The Smell of Christmas | Geophysical Institute
Mar 13, 2025 · One of many Christmas pleasures is the aroma of a freshly cut tree. Both spruce and pine have it. So do cranberry fields in the morning, orange peelings, and some paint thinners.
Mummified forest tells tale of a changing north
Jan 6, 2011 · The mummy trees of northern Ellesmere Island include a trunk of a pine tree four feet long and six inches in diameter. Each of the trees was at least 75 years old when it died.
Evidence Piling Up for Coastal Migration Route
Jan 30, 2002 · They dated the pine stump to about 12,200 years ago. The Canadians' discovery of the stone tool and the ancient pine tree off the Queen Charlotte Islands strengthens the notion that early settlers of the Americas may have skirted North America's ice like kayakers do today, traveling from beach to beach between glaciers.
Kenai bark beetles primed for another run - Geophysical Institute
Nov 19, 2015 · Using a "mass-attack" strategy, beetles use sheer numbers to overwhelm old-growth trees like the ones in Berg's yard. Tree by tree, the Kenai Peninsula became a graveyard of whitish spruce snags, about 30 million of them. But the death of the old released the young spruce, suddenly enriched with more sunshine and water.
Trees as Earthquake Fault Indicators | Geophysical Institute
Mar 13, 2025 · At least minor successes have been accomplished by examining the shape and condition of trees and the annual growth ring asymmetries in trees along known faults. When a fault splits a tree in half, the effect is obvious.
Bark beetles take Connecticut-size bite out of Alaska
Feb 26, 2004 · Knowing that, forest managers might be able to anticipate an outbreak and plan tree harvests ahead of the beetles or try preventative measures that might work on small outbreaks, such as tree thinning, pruning, setting out hormone traps for beetles, and getting rid of piles of logs that attract beetles.
New way to spot beetle-killed spruce can help forest, wildfire …
Jun 12, 2024 · A new machine-learning system developed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks can automatically produce detailed maps from satellite data to show locations of likely beetle-killed spruce trees in Alaska, even in forests of low and moderate infestation where identification is otherwise difficult.